Friday, November 27, 2009

my room look like a t-rex sneezed in it.


saya makan sangat banyak. Adilah masak rendang yang sangat sedap dan kuah kacang dan nasi himpit pujaan kalbu juga sangat sedap.

walaupun i would have loved to have nasik dagang in kelate, or daging bakar dan pencicah (LOL i wrote penyicah whatthefish bahasa melayu standard so gagal one) ibu saudara yang sentiasa menjadi igauan setiap kali raya haji...tapi i suppose i should be thankful.

i might not have family and fantastic food, but i have lovely friends and good food, and that shall suffice for the time being :)

i went to Supernova and celebrated eid with the Cork muslim community instead of to Brookfield to celebrate with the Malaysians, and it was refreshing to see so many people in so many colours (white, yellow, brown, name it, we have it) and so many different cultures in one place, celebrating one thing :)

i invited Heba the Kuwaiti over to our house to have lunch, sebab i felt sorry for her for not having anything to do to celebrate eid (she wanted to go to Supernova with us but she overslept)...she walked in wearing her normal attire of expensive clothes head-to-toe like a true blue Kuwaiti, and i let out a smal 'aaahhhhh' when i saw her off-white baby doll coat.

at first i thought it was the coat i saw in Dunnes but never got round to buying because i didn't need (and couldnt afford) a new coat...but seconds after that i realized that that was Heba- there's no way in hell that she'd be wearing something from Dunnes. no. way.

then Mas asked where she got the coat from, and she was like 'oh, French Connection.' aaaaahh. patutla cutting sungguh immaculate.

anyway long story short...Mas told her it's my birthday next week, and she...


(okay nobody's allowed to tell her i write this in my blog, you know how she is)

granted that it really needs dry cleaning and she never really liked it anyway, but still.


(FCUK as in french connection uk, not as in a misspelled something else)

i ebayed the coat and found out the price was like 135 pounds?!?! WHAT. my Oasis coat was 80 pounds and i nearly cried the day after i bought it.

AND it's a size 6. i fit into a size 6?! vanity sizing, much?

early birthday gift, wooo. people are going to forget my birthday again this year because it's in the middle of Christmas exams (as per usual) but issokay. i forget people's birthdays ALL the time, i iz in no place to complain.

all-in-all a good eid alhamdulillah :) only now my head is spinning a little bit from food overdose.

the coat might be the first and only FCUK item i'd ever own...haha.


Clueless in Love said...

waaaa jeles... put up a pix of it. Heba, I want one too!!! get me a size 10 please? I want to look stylish in Chiangmai :D

Tengku Atique said...

i think you'd fit a size 8....kakak wud be size 10 LOLOLOL.

when are you going to Chiangmai??!!!?? JEALOUS.

Iron Butterfly said...


bestnyo bleh fcuk.

Sakiinah said...

kempunan nasi kerabu diraja ~:P

p/s: french connection? i was like..heh mcm ada connection dgn someone from france to get that coat..and i was so wrong..buta brand betul! heh

Tengku Atique said...

kakak : hahahaha but it's funny right right?? hahahaha *gelak pada lawak sendiri*

kinah : nasik kerabu diraja, pergh. aku pun tak penah makan. haha takpe, i haven't a clue when my bestfriend talk about brands too, sometimes

Clueless in Love said...

we are going to Chiangmai Jan 8 :D I'm now hunting for a cheap stylo long sweater/coat to wear. heard it is almost freezing there in Jan.