Sunday, November 8, 2009

pour one's heart out into Literature/happy post for once

Salam wbt,

I just realized that lately I've been writing when I have strong emotions filling my brain and heart, resulting in posts that are 1. gelabah 2. sad 3. angry/panick/sad, etc.

Bila I happy jarang pulak I tulis blog. Kesian blog I. I tak emoooo sebenarnya in real life. Kalau nangis pun sorang2 dalam bilik sebab malas nak cerita kat orang. Ok lah meh kita cita pasal benda happy yang jadi kat Atiq of late....

apa ehhh benda happy?? gehehe. ohhh...contoh benda happy is being attached to the nice and smart Kak Amy in my current clinical rotation; BEST k boleh tulis2 kat facebook wall dr yg you attached to, saying things like 'Kak Amy, Atiq nk present case pacemaker guy ko Kak Amy esok k!!'. selalunya sangat intimidated dgn doctors nak present pun rasa cam nak muntah nervous and cakap apa pun semua rasa bodoh and points penting semua lupa.

eh ok ok kita tengah cite benda happy. lupa lupa.

Lagi satu benda happy adalah partner saya Evelyn (dah 5 minggu stuck with her, and 3 more weeks to go) is nice and funny and we get along pretty well. This is important sebab kalau tak depress k kalau dapat American sombong ke contohnya, nanti nak minum coffee dengan siapa kalau doctor cakap takde patient and die ade keje sikit, sila pegi breakfast dulu (true story)

Hehhhh semua benda happy revolve around medical school bosan kan saya? Haha sorry hidup saya revolve around sekolah dan hospital sahaja!

Oh, another important happy news is; I'm feeling better! Alhamdulillah :D

Autumn is no longer as pretty as it was because the golden/red/yellow leaves are all now just dead brown and on the ground, and the trees are mostly bald. Winter exams is coming up and I'm going to start staying back at the hospital study room bc it's a 5 minutes walk from my new house.

The last happy news is I'm (insyaAllah) going to Czech and France and Monaco for the winter break, hoo-hah! One of these days I'll go to Germany as well biiznillah. Kumpul-kumpul cop dalam passport nenong.

right then! that's enough dose of happiness for now yeah blog?~


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