Saturday, November 14, 2009

roadside diagnosis

i was walking down Firgrove Lawn with a couple of final meds this afternoon (it was a lovely day, by the way!) and we saw a cute elderly couple walking across the road in the opposite direction.

'eh tengok tengok makcik tu bawak pakcik tu jalan!'

'naaawwww so cuute!!'

'tu gait ape ek?'

'shuffling gait.'

'shuffling gait ke?'

'yeap. small steps, wide-based. bradykinesia, resting tremor. Parkinson's Disease!'


i freaking love geeks. they can't just say 'nawww how cute, they're holding hands!' like normal people would.

nope. they just have to list the clinical signs and make a diagnosis for the poor old man.

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