Monday, November 16, 2009

Dear Time,

I've acquired mild asthma, and even without it, my stamina fail level is almost as bad as Britney's live performance capabilities. ALMOST, I say. So slow down a bit, kay? I can't catch up with you.

Just now Martina Kelly gave us a briefing on what's going to happen in second semester. I mean, SECOND SEMESTER, Time? Surely there must be a mistake? Please take those rollerblades off, Time. Stop LAUGHING, it's not funny!

You have a sick sense of humor and I hate you so much for always making me stand on my tiptoes ready to sprint. But I'm stuck with you forever. You like that, don't you. No matter how mean and horrid you are, people just have to accept it like it is.

But you can be nice sometimes. I'll give that to you.

Yours sincerely,

p.s. rollerblades are so 1996.

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