Sunday, November 29, 2009

kids grow up too fast

you see these pretty pictures i stole from Opie's blog?

there's something very, VERY wrong with them.

you wanna know what it is?

you see that pretty cotton kurung my 13 year old little sister is wearing? the one that fits her perfectly?



- Tenggu

p.s. yes I know Didie's a spitting image of me. pastu pakai my clothes plak tu sabar je.

'Atiq, bila pulak kau balik for your sister's engagement ni??'
'That's not me lah! Adik aku la tu, adoooiila'


Iron Butterfly said...

i thought you're the photocopy image of ME?

"memeylah ore tahu adik kakak doh muko fotostat supo nga kakak tu gak!" bentak Atiq when i teased about her tumpang-in my popularity. (Atiq sentiasa dipanggil 'adik azah' in Naim).


Tengku Atique said...

yeah yeah whatever...adik azah in zainab and naim, adik farah in mrsm.

though i would disagree with the word 'tumpang', bc popularity isn't really my kind of thing.

Didie said...

ehehehhee. atiq tok maroh dehs dd pinjey bj atiq? sbb nk paka baju 'baru' etek. :D :D :D

Sakiinah said...

tipu! balik msia snap that pic of u in that kurung! heh! ~:P

Iron Butterfly said...

hahaha the tupey-popularity was just to tease u. actually it's more 'famous' than 'popular' but famous-ness sound a bit off so i just typed popularity.

ok we're such nerds. discussing word technicality. wth. haha.

Iron Butterfly said...

actually u tot me the phrase "muko fotostat". i never heard such thing prior to that. heh.

sassydewi said...

then i'm the exact photocopy of whom???

ok. don't answer that.

but didie is supposed to like me and adek, you two!!

Tengku Atique said...

Dids : nah no worries. i'm used to it, opies steals my clothes all the time when i was in mrsmpc haha. besides, it's not like you'd stop wearing them if i tell you to right :P

Kinah : i WISH i'm that thin! she's at least 10kgs lighter than i am lol

Kakak : LOLOL i must've picked it up somewhere

Opie : you're PRETTY. it doesn't matter fotostat muko sapo lol *cough*karamsinghwalia*cough*

Tengku Atique said...

note to self : stop using lol

Iron Butterfly said...

ku zett is suppose to look like atiq (because they were both chubbier when they were babies). anis is the one who is suppose to look like me :(