Saturday, November 7, 2009

a clarification that is not meant to sound too strong tapi akhirnya sound too strong jugak taktau nak buat cane harap maaf.

i do everything i do because i understand them and i want to do them; i don't do things i don't do because i don't want to and nobody (except Allah) tells me not to do them.

contoh mudah:

orang kafir - Why do you wear the hijab in Ireland? Nobody knows if you take them off, we won't tell your family.

orang Islam - kenapa buat ym id baru pastu tak ajak kawan2 laki? kakak-kakak tu tak kasik kau kawan dengan laki eh?

do I look like a person who will do/stop doing something because a PERSON told me to do so?
do you even know me?
i'm my own person. i do things because of God, and because of me.

tak pergi Dublin. tak sihat :(


Mushang said...

di sbbkn ini private blog..

Are you sure?

do I look like a person who will do/stop doing something because a PERSON told me to do so?
I said yes.actually,most of the time but not everytime.

Atiq adalah seorg yg mudah dipengaruhi oleh enviroment&friends d sekitarnya.N terikut2 tanpa disedari.I call this type as "SHIFTER PERSON".

Shifter person adalah org yg berubah mengikut keadaan n org disekeliling menyebabkn die mudah get along with anybody n can be good best friend.naturally do smtgh because of others without noticing it.But smtime,dia akn tertny2 "WHO AM I?"..start confusing..n smtime end up with "EMOTION ACT"..etc

Tengku Atique said...

i don't change major things because of people; changing simple things in different environments is something most people will do...can't always ikuk palo sdiri, right? have to take people around you into account...especially when living abroad; they're your friends, they're your family. they're all we have.