Thursday, February 19, 2009

this is a good night post.

i have laundry to be done, notes and books to rearrange thanks to the pre-exam craze, reports to write down..but i'm crying instead. TALK ABOUT RAGING HORMONES. i can't even take my evening primrose capsules anymore to correct my crazy hormones because i just realized it has something of bovine source for the capsules. gah. i've taken like three quarter of the bottle's worth.

i only had like two or three hours of sleep last night, up until now. i think i'll be fine with the on-calls really (haha yearrite). the patient i saw this afternoon was a nice person who kept winking and smiling at me even when i accidentally hit his arm with the reflex hammer, instead of my finger. my fingers are way too small and thin for the freaking hammer. haha, no really i just don't have any reflex hammering skillz.

i was in the first group for this morning's anatomy flag test. since they're using the same cut up cadavers with tiny flags stuck all over them for the whole class, we were quarantined until the last group has gone in. so we were stuck in the lecture hall watching YouTube videos on the big LCD screen for two freaking hours. a couple of Irish guys actually LAUGHED at this ultra creepy Happy Tree Friends episode and it was just plain wrong and disturbing. i mean, come on. let's not try and be Juno.

okay i'm done yapping, and i'm not crying anymore.

phew. i iz strong.



Iron Butterfly said...

i iz strong? man, ur becoming ron by the day. he loves speaking broken english.

Tengku Atique said...

haha. it's fun. it's the only language me and my kmb friends speak, lol.