Monday, February 9, 2009


So my weekend was CRAZY...not really. I got loads of stuff done, but when I get loads of stuff done it means I am indoors. Which is BAD because I seriously have to work on my stamina. It's insane how I get dyspnoea everytime I try to climb a hill and talk. It's getting to a point where it's unhealthy. If I talk to people on the phone while walking somewhere (I always do this to save time) they almost always ask 'Why are you breathing like that, are you okay? Are you running?' and I'll be 'NO, I'M WALKING!!' (Dengan nada bengang kepada diri sendiri).

Oh, you wanna know something? The car rental company now requires people to be at least 23 to rent a car, or we'd be charged extra. Like seriously. I turn twenty one and they upped their requirement from 21 to 23. I'm telling you, the Irish are scared of me being let loose on their roads.

...I'll stop now. Bai. xx

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