Sunday, February 22, 2009

Self indulgence and all that.

I was craving chocolate cake and I did my usual sengih annoying to Adilah and she went all 'Atiq nak ape?!' (haha Ain mesti rindu nak sakit hati tengok Atiqah punya sengih annoying). So I told her I was craving chocolate cake and she said she'd bake some for tomorrow's Halal Food Fest :O I was actually quite shocked that she didn't say something like 'Buat sendiri la pemalas!' ekekeke. She probably planned to bake the cake for the event even without me asking her to, though. Adilah bakes amazing cakes. About as amazing as Syah. I wish I had some domestic talent. Does washing dishes count? I'm excellent at it and I have these OCD dish-washing rules that Mama implanted in my brain.

....hahahah omg Atiqah is seriously trying to convince people into thinking of dishwashing as a domestic talent. Seriously a phailure in being female.

I just realized that I have this habit on planes in which I won't be picking up those travel catalogues they have, but everytime the person sitting beside me picks it up, I'd be reading it over their shoulders. Haha. Eh orang tu mestila Atiq kenal, takkan tibe-tibe buat perangai aneh dekat orang yang tak dikenali (Haha knape tibe2 rase cam ade je possibility untuk Atiqah berbuat begitu). I mentioned this to Mas the last time I sat beside her on a plane (as I was reading the magazine she had on her lap) and she went all 'Pemaalaaass!' lololol. Alamak Atiqah pemalas ke?!? o.O

I met these Malay kids who speaks English with British accent, and when my friends called this girl's name, she said 'What?' which, in her accent, is pronounced as 'Wok?'. My friends were thoroughly amused by this and asked 'Well how do you spell that?' XD But they weren't being mean, I promise. Saje gurau dgn the little girl. These kids are the first Malay kids living abroad that I've met who are fluent in both English and Malay (walaupun the Malay ade this adorable British accent lol).

I want to share this adorable God-to-mere mortal experience that I had over the weekend...but I'm not too sure how to go about it? Anyway conclusion I got from that is Allah = uber sweet. And you're missing a lot if you haven't been reading the translations of the Holy Qur'an. I mean seriously. It's filled with amazingness and all that. Read it!

Awah's engagement ring is like, 15K, WHAT!?! Even though I'm not a fan of the spending loads on weddings tradition (inorite, you totally should marry me), I'm so happy for her..she's being all giddy and excited and tearful and stuff. It's adorable how much she's changed (even though still is somewhat mentally challenged), and Bobster is an amazing person with great taste in shoes, so all is good.

Going to read over/edit Kak Yan's assignment now. Having me checking her grammar is only going to damage the essay, methinks x.x


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