Thursday, February 26, 2009

oooh let's talk about the weather.

it's been really great lately, no rain, sunshine all the way. yesterday i stood all alone beside the student centre waiting for this postgrad lady (i volunteered to be the subject of her interview, for her dissertation) for 15 solid minutes, watching college students walk past and feeling the breeze on me. it was around 4.30pm, and it was so relaxing, for some reason. i guess i really needed a short break from all the rushing here and there. (went to the other side of the building after 15 mins of waiting and found her waiting for me there, puffing away).

but it's not spring yet though, cause there still isn't that fresh scent of flowers blooming that comes when spring is around. i'm not lying, it really exists!

nothing too significant has happened that's blogworthy/lulzworthy. except for the fact that i was filling up my organiser with exam dates, printing notes and such...and realized i have a LOT of catching up to do in terms of lectures and so March is going to be completely insane.

prepare for the crazy posts that comes when Atiqah has tons to do.

just invited Awah + Opie to read. if KuZett has a gmail then i'd have a complete set of mafasynz (except Anis...) reading my blog.

you really had to have a gmail to get in here, right? or is that just my deluded conclusion? i think i had to have an @gmail email when my friend invited me to his private blog eons ago. i don't know.



Clueless in Love said...

mark my words. Adek will soon have one. ngahahaha.

nona said...

no lah.. kak na ni yahoo account bole je

sassydewi said...

no. u just invited me by msn id.

grammar check; shud i put by, using, thru or whaaat? english is crrrrazy.

Tengku Atique said...

they must've changed their settings sebab back then people malas nok buat gmail so sikik jah ppl got invited to private blogs.

nobody's inviting me to their private blogs nemore lately, sobsob. got removed from the readers list adola T.T

Tengku Atique said...

p.s. grammar check - errrr. by is right i spose. maybe *by my msn id? using is right too, maybe not through though. i don't knowww...english IS mind-boggling.