Thursday, February 5, 2009

oh God. she's still up.

dear blog,

don't puke just yet. i know i know, i write too much. i'm sorry. i'm trying to talk less so i need another outlet. i'm writing this so i'd remember how i feel, if i ever find myself in doubt again some time in the future.

tajuk kita hari ini ialah 'Have You Ever Questioned Yourself On Whether You Really Want To Do Medicine'. inorite. so catchy omg.

anyway. have i thought about dropping out? millions of times. there were a bunch of people who dropped out of class after first year. some found out that it's not quite their thing. some failed to cope. some just never really wanted to be there in the first place.

but those are Irish people. they pay only about 1% of the amount of fees we're paying, for the exact same thing. and they're only 18. they have the luxury of trying a course and then just go 'oh crap, this is so not my thing'...then change to Business Studies, or Arts and Literature, or something.

i'm twenty two this year. and i'm on scholarship, which means i'm spending the taxpayers' money...and i've signed the papers. i can't just bail out. literally, i can't.

so what i did was i pushed all the doubt to the back of my head, hold my chin up and moved on. but now, nearly three years into the course...i find myself head over heels with medicine. it's hard, but it is also fascinating, intriguing. now, when i think about it - i can't imagine myself being anything other than a doctor. i don't want to end up saying 'i could've been a doctor'. i want to be able to say 'i am a doctor'. i do, i desperately do.

i nearly went crazy the summer before last. i wanted to drop out of college, i wanted to run away, i wanted to ride my bike to the middle of the road and get hit by a car, and i wanted to die. no kidding. i was living at Kak Rose's apartment which was on the fourth floor and i kept wondering whether i would die if i jumped off the balcony. it's a stressful course, and if you know me well enough you can tell that i'm no iron lady. i cry ALL the freaking time and i'm ultra insecure. that failure nearly marked the end of me and it left a deep scar. i keep thinking i'm not good enough for this course, and no first class honors can erase that feeling.

i let fear get the best of me, and i can't keep on doing that. i just...i need to figure out how. for the time being i'm content and thankful that i now think of medicine as something i want to do, not something i have to do.

...and i have another problem (inorite, it seems neverending). i keep thinking my friends secretly hate me. i don't quite remember how i developed this paranoia but somehow i did. and i kept asking them whether they're mad at me, and they keep saying 'TAKLA, EH KAU KENAPE HA?' but i still think they hate me. sometimes i don't really want to talk to people outside my comfort zone because people usually take what i say the wrong way and end up hating me (BUT THAT'S PROBABLY JUST YOUR IMAGINATION LA ATIQAH PLEASE JANGAN DRAMA KAT SINI).

i've probably managed to scare you by now. i'm sorry. i'll stop.

selamat malam dunia.

(hari ni mase usrah blajar surah As-Syams, surah atiq suka baca masa smbahyang jemaah sampai mas ngan aza suke point out yg atiq die hard fan surah As-Syams. kak nang kate Rasulullah suka sangat surah tu so it made me happy :D)


Ain Sallahuddin said...

i thought about that too..sometimes...
tapi betul jugak..we know medicine is hard even before kite pegi overseas pon kan..but kalau orang lain boleh lepas jadik doctor, why not we..geng meroyan mesti boleh!haha..
believe in urself atiq..jangan suke doubt confident okeyh!
and people dont hate u!stop being paranoid..hahaha...

Iron Butterfly said...

good u finally love and wanna be a doctor. sometimes i imagine myself being one. Dr. Ajah. Sounds sexy and cool. LOL.

but i only love the sound of it. i can't even differentiate amoeba and protozoa in form 1 science. medic's never for me. heh.

Izlin said...

Atiq..I wish u all the best. Maybe this is one of the sharp turn u must bear with. And dont worry, i dont hate you. I love reading your blog okay! Inspirational, Informative and ape lagi...ha, lawak!! hehe.

and i know, over the past year's entries..atiqah is a strong person. and she will get through this. and become a doctor i maybe consulting in the future. hehe. diskaun la member nga ore kelate key..:P

p.s: i am cry baby too and i think crying is healthy. we dont have to keep ourselves together all the time kan? *xoxo* plse take care, and have enough rest.

Tengku Atique said...

Ain : BETULBETUL!! sayang ain, huhu.

Kakak : lamo dh x dengar the word amoeba XD

Iz : omg i'm not strongg. and lecturer kayo xlehs diskaun LOL. ..thanks for the kind words :)

admin2 said...


inna ma'al 'usri...yusra~~~

and i lap u, eventho that day i marah, tym tuh i tgh mamai~~~ semua org pon boleh kena marah, even k nang...haha

and i oso lap surah ash-shams... xtremely

Clueless in Love said...

I am sure you'll get to be a wonderful doc Tiq. Hurdles and hiccups along the way are a b*tch but you've managed to battle through them. plus you'll appreciate the destination even more because of them. kalu seney jah nok jadi doc, it won't be as special dih? Only 3 more years to go. Plus Opie will be going there next year to keep you company..

Tengku Atique said...

i have amazing people all around me :')