Thursday, February 19, 2009

of emotional lecturers and awkward silences

tutorial just now was the single most painful class i've ever had to sit through. i've always had this lady lecturer as my tutor, and she's, well, not too talented as a teacher. i've always thought this, but i forgave her, seeing that she's europian and english isn't her first language. so she probably is a good teacher, she just cannot deliver it as well as the others can because of the language barrier, just like some of the malaysian students who are absolutely excellent in their studies (not me), but doesn't shine in class because it takes time to construct good sentences for everyone to understand.

as each tutorial session pass throughout the academic year, the number of people in my group attending her tutorials became less and less, and i realize how packed the other two rooms were (i.e. my groupmates ditched her tutorial and went to the other ones). i stayed with her because my being a non-native english speaker as well made me give her the sympathy vote. but every single time i can't stop feeling that i'm not learning as much as the other groups are.


today was painful BECAUSE. well i think it's because she finally realized that it wasn't timetable confusion that's been causing the students to be missing from her classes (we tried to convince her that this was the case so as to not hurt her feelings), that it's actually just because they didn't want her to be their tutor. she just lashed out at us, making us give all the answers to the questions, not correcting us on anything and just said yes to everything, not elaborating on any of our points, nothing. and she practically asked Owen to leave the class. thank God Owen was nice enough to say that he doesn't wanna leave, or else it would've been tres awkward. She once asked JR to leave her lecture and JR just stood up and left.

and she asked us what do we expect from tutorials, and whether we expect the teacher to give us all the answers, the way it is in primary school. i felt insulted. i don't expect you to tell me the answer, but i expect you to tell me whether or not my answer is right, and not just smirk, you TALL PRETTY WOMAN (this is my way of cursing. i iz kind)

Callum practically cursed his way to the elevators after the class ended.

We finished an hour earlier than we're supposed to.


Iron Butterfly said...

laa.. why shouldn't u leave if being asked to leave?

i will not be stubborn and 'drop my waterface' when I'm expected to.

i walked out of Agama class when i was in Beseri because the ustaz asked me to leave. i went to the library. no biggie.

dio hok suruh tubek, tok payohla buat drama pahtu expect students to refuse tubek. gilo.

Tengku Atique said...

walking out of a class is fine for the person doing the walking out, and is awkward for the people being left behind. especially when there's only 7 people in that small tutorial room. if Owen walked out and she asked me a question (because she was asking questions and not letting it go until someone answers), i wouldn't have been able to answer her with enough tact to sound respectful and not rude.

Iron Butterfly said...

ah. so u were thankful he didn't go for selfish reasons. lol.

Tengku Atique said...

i guess you can see it that way, and you can see him leaving as selfish as well. anyway it doesn't matter, he decided not to go on his own will, and even if he left, i would've been annoyed just for the duration of the class. totally acknowledge his right to leave.

...i should really be in class right now T.T my sleeping pattern is messing up with my attendance to classes, it's starting to bother me.

Clueless in Love said...

Ugh.. ado kow jadi bekeng. she should be grateful to those who choose to stay.. If I were to feel that I am not learning as much in her tutorial compared to the others, I would choose to leave. or, kalu raso baik hati and ado maso, find a way to attend both.