Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Ain was like a fitness instructor to me back then. She's always making me go jogging with her, go to dancerobic sessions with her, go play squasy with her, etc etc. One day she came to my room and asked me to play tennis with her. Despite my protests (I have NO idea how to play tennis) she convinced me to go with her, and said we'd learn together because she doesn't really know how to play it either.

When we got to the courts, all of them were taken except for the one on the far right, beside the road people use to go back-and-forth from the dorms to the field/gym. We both hesitated in fear of embarrasment, but we went ahead anyway. As we were playing tennis (or should I say as we were picking up tennis balls from the court..) Amin and Shamil walked by, on their way for football. They stopped, SAT DOWN, SENGIH-SENGIH, and decided to amuse themselves by WATCHING US PLAY.

Walaupun sakit hati dan malu, we kept playing anyway. After a while, I don't remember which of them said this but one of them yelled over;


...i hate them.


/Ain I miss you and I am fat without you.


Ain Sallahuddin said...

hahahahha...i remember that particular event mase main tennis...hahaha..malu gak lar..hmm, macam amin je yg berupaya untuk berkata begitu..sadly, i have goldfish memory..tak ingat plak sape yg cakap...hehehe

aaww.i miss u too!lame kot tak jumpe..

jom nak buat keja gile, one day gi kmb, kite pegi main tennis!jom!hahahaha..

camne plak boleh gemuk..ain tgk gamba tak gemuk pon..ke atiq photoshop?hahaha..

Tengku Atique said...

Ain : Shamil was pretty evil too if I remember correctly, haha. Haha taknakkk...nanti budak2 ingat makcik tua mana sesat dah la tak reti main, LOL. And I bet there are always Amins and Shamils in that college.

I'm 5kgs heavier than I was in KMB! Yosh. Nana said I have heavy bones, haha.


Anonymous said...

actually..both of yous are missing us right? dun worry..we miss both of you too..


Tengku Atique said...

Great observation there, Sir.

Iron Butterfly said...

budok-budok.... *menggelengkan kepala

sakni we sent Opie to KYUEM. The layout is just about the same as KYS. except for the chalets instead of dorms.

She's taking maths, econs, english literature (hah! take that!) and psychology.

the people there kept on saying about BNM expecting its students to go to oxbridge or LSE, but knowing Opie too well, we think warwick will be better for her.

namo jadi suicidal dok oxbridge. too much pressure. didie bulih laa kot.

Tengku Atique said...

i know i know, she asked me to call just now. i'm excited for her :D and yeah...oxbridge will kill her.