Thursday, February 5, 2009

exam was okay i guess. i dont know. there were lots of things that i kinda knew but not too sure about. God i hate negative marking. it's pure torture! i can't even make an intelligent guess without second guessing myself.

i still have anatomy this 18th. then come March, i'd have pathology and pharmacology exams - and worst of all is CP. CP is Clinical Practice which basically means everything under the sun - from history taking to physical examination to clinical anatomy to ahhhhh. and i suck at CP. i just...oh dear God. i'm just so scared. PLEASE DON'T FAIL PLEASE DON'T FAIL PLEASE DON'T FAIL.

i need some sleep. i slept at four yesterday. medicine is an insane course, but i want to do this. and i can. i can, okay. (kay Atiqah stop being crazy and GET SOME SLEEP FOR GOD'S SAKE GO TO BED NOW. NOW.)



Iron Butterfly said...

i failed again. 47 marks. friggin' one whole semester for another 3 marks.

maybe this is a sign i should join opie in London next year and finish my CiMA with beloved sister di bumi UK. Ha ha. (ayat consoling myself)

Tengku Atique said...

omg don't they give oral exams for borderline marks?! that's so cruel!