Monday, May 26, 2008


it's just been a few days, i know. but i miss my blog, and i'd feel bad if i write a post while it's private because i promised to some people i wont be posting anything until it's un-privated (because i'm too lazy to send out invites hehe)

this week is going to be mental, i've so much to do and so little time to do it. what's driving me crazy is stuff are really expensive at this time of the year, and since i wasn't planning to go back, i didn't buy anything for anyone during the hectic winter sales. i can just go back without buying anything and it'll be fine but i'd feel really bad if i did that.

anyway the woman kinda calmed down. there's a part of me that wants to yell at her and tell her a lot of things and call her a variety of british swear words that i know she won't understand, but i refrained. she didn't say sorry for what she did, but whatever. as long as she's off my case. what kills me is the fact that she's friends with this 'friend' that i have. and i've always thought this 'friend' made a new friendster account and didn't add me because we've lost contact of sorts, and yesterday i realized that she actually deleted me. yeay. great. what fun. whoo.

i want to not care, you know. i mean, she's not really my favourite person either, but i don't hate her. and i definitely wont delete her from my friendster or anything like that. it hurts thinking about what people may be talking about me behind my back, not caring to hear my side of the story, not even bothered to ask for an explanation.

translation : ego is hurt.


p.s. i'm not announcing the un-privating of this blog because...i don't know. it feels weird promoting my blog. not that i have anything against people who do.


Anonymous said...

yang, ai ado cito menarik...
malaysia airlines promo tiket RM0 w/o tax..domestic and international.. wooohooooooooo!!
balik bilo?

Tengku Atique said...

hah?~? biar betol? i can't say i kelik bilo ssinih, the woman has been asking people i balik brapo hari buley, takuk dio baco.

i'll drop u an offline msg kat ym k!

tp aku raso kakak beli doh tiket gi bandung, wahh

Witty Angel said...

ego is bless...
atiq balik kb jange lupo promote kdai monaliza..lalalala..hahaha..bowok rombonge shopping kedai tu.hahahaha..:P...lalala esok last paperrr..lalalalala

Tengku Atique said...

kekeke ala kak aina, kak aina duduk jah congok depey keda tuh, mesti stambung orey mari bbeli :p

Anonymous said...

aih wat woman, d woman in ur previous post?
oh let me spank her bu**, apo duk sibuk2 sgt ni..
oh i wrote a comment earlier, tp the connction sucks, ado error gapotau..toktau sapa ke dop.
btw, looking forward meeting u in bandung, kalu ado rezeki..
im having finals, viva n osce within these 2 weeks, gotta go back stdying..i need all the luck in the world!
all d best yang, in watever u do!!

Tengku Atique said...

patutla x online ym! all the best mimos~!

and look forward to seeing you too. kalu bukey kat bandung, kat kelate :D

Anonymous said...

yay... your blog is up again!!