Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy 100th Posteversary

100th post for the win!

wanted to save it for something special after the exams, but i'm taking a short break (to breath) from all the studying and i have to write a blog. i just have to. k. ok.

it's been very pretty lately. it's such a pity that we're all locked inside the house, studying our brains off. everyone's in their own room minding their own bizznezz.

Mama called yesterday and told me that tv3 came to shoot Didie in Ketani, 'studying' and 'conversing in English with friends', lol. it's going to be so fake and hilarious, i love it. the only real thing they filmed was of her playing softball with the school softball team. oh, the team won the state championship last weekend by the way. such an overachieving snob she is. <3

i have a lot of projects to be done after the exams. like finishing the drawing of the ugly pond in Fitzgerald Park (the drawing isn't ugly, the pond is, k? lulz), re-writing and filing my usrah notebooks, writing that book review Kak Nang asked me to write aaaggess ago, film & edit a sekret project i have planned (look forward to it! ...or not.).

i can't wait for next academic term, to live the hectic life (..or lack thereof), medical student-style all over again. repeat year is/was painful in many different ways. though i must not ignore the fact that it does bring many good things with it, too. Allah knows best.

that there is a picture of us beside the house when Felicia came over.
even if you're a bitter old witch, you still gotta love Spring.
it's impossibly pretty everywhere :)

till then, strangers/family/friends.
Assalamualaikum wbt.

p.s. doakan Atiq for my exam this May 8th...?


n Z r A said...

why do u greet strangers first instead of family & friends? grrr...hehehhee..
good luck atiqku~ Slamat berjuuuaannnggggggg

Iron Butterfly said...

All the best. My prayers are with you...