Wednesday, May 14, 2008

KYS had to be Government.

the ridiculous motion was set by MCKK, and they get to be the Opposition. how convenient.

i hate debates because you can't choose your own stand. it's almost like it's a game that creates kiasu people that only wants to win in arguments, even when they don't really believe in what they're saying, even when they know they're in the wrong.

the motion is 'beauty products help improve the health of its users'. OH MY GOD I HATE THE MOTION SO MUCH. i hate superficiality and i NEVER use any whitening products, or anti-aging products (believe me, some girls my age are already worrying about wrinkles). i think everyone should just be happy with who and how they are, and stop wanting to be something else. we're asians, there's nothing wrong with being tan. i think brown skin is gorgeous. and you're SUPPOSED to be wrinkly when you age, there's nothing to be ashamed of. if your husband doesn't like you being wrinkly then maybe you need to buy him a mirror or something. and flaws give you CHARACTER, you don't have to CHANGE it to be 'beautiful'. what is this 'beauty' that people speak of anyways? WHAT MAKES ANYBODY THINK THEY HAVE THE POWER TO DEFINE BEAUTY FOR EVERYBODY ELSE? i mean, come ON. people's mentality are so screwed up.

i already told Opie that i'm really against that motion and if she has to be govt then i won't be able to help. just now i got a text from her saying she had to be govt, and it makes me feel bad because i really want to help her with it, but I THINK THE MOTION IS ABSURD. uurrrghhhhh i'm so disgusted by it. HOW will our education system produce quality students with THIS KIND OF THING? it's NOT EVEN WORTH DEBATING OVERRRRR.

*kepala meletop*

p.s. having said that, i do realize that i use expensive facial care products, but that's only because my face is really prone to breakouts and i don't feel clean with pimples sprouting all over my face. therefore they don't count as beauty products to me, they're more towards cleansing rather than 'beautify'ing.

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