Tuesday, May 20, 2008

i don't know what to put in this column

i'm feeling a headache coming on from staying up to wait for the super early Subuh that ends super early too, and i had a weird day today, but i checked my e-mail just now and realized that i got a long e-mail from my sister and it made me happy and content and so now i am ready for bed, yeay.

that paragraph was actually a very long sentence that doesn't really make any sense but i guess it'll do. i have a lot of things to do tomorrow, lets hope i don't pass out until noon.

got a call from med school asking whether i'm still up for the job i applied for like a month ago, and i said yes. so yeay, i get to get paid for playing patient for third meds :D i hope they don't have anyone with a thick Cork accent in their class though, or i will NOT understand a word he/she's saying. i haven't conversed with any irish apart from the taxi drivers in a looong time, so i'm a bit nervous. sometimes i give polite laughs to taxi drivers when they say things i couldn't quite comprehend (they barely even open their mouths when they speak!), because, well. they're taxi drivers. if they're not asking me where i'm from or how long i'm staying in ireland, they must be cracking jokes. ....right?

oh oh, another thing...i am SO glad that my sister wrote 'i hate boys' towards the end of her e-mail, because i find the thought of her growing up and getting involved with the opposite gender rather horrifying and i want to protect her from it but it's impossible and... *sigh. i just...i hope she won't get the kind of boys that i got back then. mind boggling.

kay i'm done.
goodnight world. oyasumi.

(musang, do you read my blog?)


|crapper| said...

"i hate boys"? haha.. yeah.. understandable.. but its not like im havin any grudges against my own species... but yeah... neway.. =) all the best for your results!! im havin exams this june... pray 4me okay? tkcre!

|crapper| said...

forgot to say.. this is one nice blog... i have been reading blogs all over the net.. and your blog... i shall say it is one of my most visited blog site... keep it up!! from here.. people get to know you better.. you get to express yourself... so keep it up.. nice way of writing too... go atique go!! gambate kudasai!!! =)

Tengku Atique said...

XD you're too nice, mister. and whatever happens in june don't get carried away by it, stay focused for the exam. not saying that something's going to happen, just saying you get carried away by stuff way too often,

kay i'm done membebeling like a makcik. do your best ASY. lulz.

Tengku Atique said...

p.s. arigatou nee.