Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the 10 minute walk

I stared at the pages of the General Surgery textbook, the details of triple A disappearing from the inside of my brain, and my mind began to wander into the details of summer plans. No. No. Must. Focus. I took my BlackBerry off the table and unlocked it to check the time. The watch read 23:01. Grabbing my hospital 'Visitor' ID, I stood up and pulled my grey hoodie tighter around me. Let's go for a short walk.

The hospital looked even lonelier at night. The orange and blue hallway was completely deserted, with just a cleaner wearing a black sweater mopping the floor. He looked up when he saw me coming, and I gave him the faintest of smiles. The constant smell of cleanliness and medication felt even stronger.

I walked past the curious room with the glass window, the one that has the huge teddybear wearing a pair of sunglasses just sitting there, watching passers-by. There was a doctor wearing a pair of blue scrubs putting money into the vending machine with chocolates in it. He gave me a friendly nod when he saw me walking past him. I hugged myself when the cold night breeze swept over me as I walked near the automatic sliding doors.

I was wide awake despite having slept quite late the night before, because of the cup of coffee that I made in the pantry. The staff pantry near the library. Somebody left the door open, so I walked in and helped myself to a healthy dose of lovely caffeine.

When I was walking back to the library, I saw two men walking side-by-side. Handcuffs binding them together. I can distinctively tell (from those weeks that I spent at the Psychiatry ward) that these two were a male nurse and a psychiatric patient with involuntary hospital admission. They were chatting and laughing away as they walked, as if they were the best of friends. As if the handcuffs never existed.

I reached in my pocket for the ID as I approached the library door. It gave a faint beep when I waived it on the scanner, and the little red LED light turned green.

Taking a deep breath in, I stepped back inside and walked to the table with my books strewn all over it.

I can do this. I will pass this year in one go.

* * *

Hey, just dropping in to say my exams kick off next week. Pray for me kay loves <3


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