Friday, May 20, 2011

no matter how hard I try to be nice

somehow adaaaa je benda-benda kecik yang atiq tersilap cakap/tersalah percaturan yang orang nak besar-besarkan, nak marah-marahkan. tapi yang peliknya diorang macam ok ok je dengan their friends. why is it when it comes to me, orang susah nak bersangka baik? somehow it's really difficult for me to master this whole thing, terpeleot dah lidah rasa cakap baik-baik dengan orang but then once i slip all goes down the drain one.



i'll just keep faking being nice to everyone and not care about the shyte they give back, and be genuinely nice to the people i really care about and cry if they give shyte back T___T

it's okay, say what you want, in the end i dapat your pahala sebab you ngumpat i. fit your face who tells you to have attitude like forbidden.

atiq ada Allah.


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