Wednesday, January 14, 2009

way too cynical for my own good.

when i see people spelling their name or typing in the interwebworld with raNdom cApitaL leTterS, i immediately don't take them seriously (unless they're below 13).


Iron Butterfly said...

hallo.. i tot u do that ALL the time? or is it in sms? hmm..

Tengku Atique said...

eh hellooww...tulonn skep..tadop maso nk capitalise ngaruk2, hok perlu capitalise pum atiq jarey capitalise...sheesshh.

Tengku Atique said...

p.s. what happened kak??~ bakpo go into a period of hibernation???~ mahadi terlalu busy sehingga menyakitkan hatikah?

Iron Butterfly said...

owh. it's complicated. hard to explain.