Monday, January 5, 2009

in which Pathology started without slides

i went to my first ever Pathology class this afternoon, and it was in Cork University Hospital (CUH). and so i walked past the most delightful scent of medications and disinfectants on my way to the lecture hall...haha. i (finally) brought myself to samak the darling coat, and it went all wrong and such, so it is now in a shop in town, sent for dry cleaning. hmm. nak buat camane.

everyone was a cheerful 'HOW WAS YOUR WINTER BREAK WOOO YEAYYY' in class, but i know it won't be for long, coz the Renal exam will be coming around soon enough. and John cut his hair OMG. Epic. and Sheila studied Renal during the break! (why am i even surprised...)

and TWO girls who didn't wear the hijab (otherwise known as free-hair girls..LOL) wore it to class, and ONE girl who usually wear it turned up to class not wearing it. talk about significant things going on during the break, huh?

among the things the lecturer taught us today was the fact that when necrosis happens to our brain tissue, a form of liquid will fill its space, but when necrosis happens to our heart tissue, fibrosis will ensue, leading to the formation of a scar. somehow i find it poetic that when (part of) our brain dies, we end up with empty spaces but when (part of) our heart dies, we heal and we end up with scars.

in other news

i got it a few days back actually, but i had to wait till i get my laptop back to put this picture up (this cannot be counted as vanity because the picture is SO buruk OMG tapi malas nak ambek gambar laen). ...thank you :] i absolutely adore it and it keeps me warm and i'm going to wear it forever and ever and everrrr :]

Goodnight people.

(i iz not vain cop twit cop!)

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