Thursday, January 1, 2009

Chapter 2 : In which the Scottish Accent is a different language altogether

there were a lot of funny incidences as I lived my days in Scotland. one was of which we were dining out at this place called 'Pasta Hut' which probably is a subsidiary (is that the right term for it? my Business Studies days have long gone) for Pizza Hut because it had the same symbol. I'm pretty sure it's not just a rempit ripoff (such as YFC, or something) because the place was class. what happened there was we got this Scottish waiter serving us and we had NO idea what he was going on about! haha. OMG the Scottish accent is even more mind boggling than the Cork accent! i think he hated us because we kept laughing our heads off everytime he says something, but we didn't mean to laugh at him, we were laughing to the fact that we didn't know what to say in reply (which, now that i think of it, is just about as mean).

and then there was this once when we were walking around Edinburgh and suddenly there's this random group of people saying 'Assalamualaikum' to us. It would've sounded normal (because we get that from Muslims from other nationalities say that as well, and Muslims are everywhere) but they were saying it in the Malay tone, you know, like the gatal tone rempits in KB use when they're trying to get your attention. Yeah that one. haha. they were this bunch of guys and a couple of girls who apparently studies in the University of Edinburgh. i said hi to the girls, and i didn't know what vibe i sent to the guys, or what faces i accidentally made, which made one of the guys said to one of the girls 'tanyela die, die sesat ke' (because i was holding a map) he kenot ask me himself la kan. it's kind of amusing to think that i might have came off as a shy girl or an alim girl to the guy. kwang3. SCORE.

(and then i asked her where Edinburgh Castle was, because i was in fact kinda lost, and then she pointed straight in front. i later found out that it's actually a one minute walk from the place i was standing at, looking confused. haha. FAIL.)

Edinburgh was GORGEOUS. i loved it. the city held so much character! we met these chinese Malaysians at the youth hostel we were staying in, which was completely random. we (my friends and I, and the group of chinese) were pretty much the only ones using the kitchen in the morning, and there they were eating fried egg, broccoli and bacon, and there we were, eating...Maggi. LOL.

And then we climbed up this thing;

that looked like it could fall down any moment, and took pictures from up there. GAYAT okay! and we took pictures from above; pendet would've loved that place. the structure was built so that we can get a 360degree view of Edinburgh :] here be some humble example from my too humble a camera;

till then :]


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