Wednesday, January 7, 2009

the GP visit

instead of examining on a patient with GI (gastrointestinal) problems as the medical school required the GP to teach us today, he took us around Coachford for house calls because it was a busy day for him, what with the winter carrying all sorts of notorious flu and vomiting bugs around.

this is a conversation that summed up what his car was like;

John : He has a dog.
Syazif : What?
Me : He has a dog.
Syazif : This car smells like a dog.
Me : It does.
John : And soon we will too.

hoho...sigh. such was my luck. my coat's full of his dog's white hair, and i think i stink but that might just be my imagination. to be fair though, the GP did apologize for the massive amount of dog hair on his back seats, and he's a very good teacher, so i guess i don't mind.

the families we visited were...amazing. well, they all have sick people in their houses and here i am sounding like a typical medical student who finds other people's sufferings fascinating. i do apologize...but i learned so much! we went to four houses in total, and they all had pretty much the same complaint but they're in very different's hard to explain...but i had a good day :]

and our (did i mention that he's good looking?) GP has mad driving skillz - i wondered for a while whether he is delusional and thinks he drives an ambulance...but as we get back to the surgery from doing the house calls, i can understand how he developed his insane driving habits - there were loads of sick people sitting in the surgery's lounge waiting for him by then.

such is how a doctor's life revolve around his patients' needs.

(masih busuk and sekarang nak masak dinner, LOL)


nona said...

lotihnyer nok keno samak everytime u do house call..duh..

Tengku Atique said...

kekeke...hok ni x payoh samok sbb bulu sajo penuh daley keto tu..busuk tp..wawawaw