Friday, January 30, 2009

tupperwares and mothers

before i came here to ireland a few years ago, mama gave me a set of her 'treasured things' which obviously consists of a tupperware plate and set of cutleries. i love using these things, and i use them every chance i have, because they remind me of my mom and i think we have already established an understanding that my world revolves around her.

so just now i was frying away my cucur lemak manis (terima kasih Adabi!) and i had the tupperware plate near the frying pan so i can angkat-tolak the cucur directly into the plate. so...yeap. you already know what's next. it took me approximately five miliseconds to realize that the funny smell of burnt chemicals is actually the plate melting away...uwwwaaaa. now there's a lopsided side to it which means i can't eat anything berkuah in it because it'll inevitably spill on the table :( :(

come to think of it, this is my second melting-tupperware-while-frying-something incident. the first one was when Beha and I were frying these keropoks at Arih's place and we melted Arih's mom's tupperware...haha. it was hilarious because as we were freaking out/laughing in hysterics, Arih walked in with his video camera and asked us what's going on,and we were like 'xdop gapo xdop gapo hehe *sengih*' (we tried covering it up but failed miserably because the lid won't close properly..LOL)

Rih, i am inevitably on your mom's top menantu list because she asked me to cut up chillies for her and i was like '...gini ko auntie?' and then moments later: 'auntie...atiq raso pisa ni tupul'

hahahahah. and here i am, writing a post about making cucur out of a packet (JUST ADD WATER!).

The Undomestic Goddess


Anonymous said...

cehs! daku suda hampir x ingat cito tu...hahahahaha

Anonymous said...


Tengku Atique said...


Iron Butterfly said...

i dont get the pisa tupul part. but anyway, ni bilo maso siak gi mmasok rumoh ore nih?

Anonymous said...

taun 2004 kot kakak...kor 2003 gitu...gath ini dan si-kechik yg satu lg (beha) duo2 jd early tepakso goreng kepok...hahahah

Tengku Atique said...

Kak : that was during this bloodyhell bbq at arih's, i am not a bloodyhell person though. beha and arih and lut were. i just know a bunch of them and just randomly went and joined. this was a good few years ago.

..the pisa tupul part..haha. it wasnt really tupul, i was just clueless.

beeRamza said...

atiq!! no way!!! adduuuuu..hukhuk..malu besaw sure we r bonget suko2 ati jah wak rilep, padaha punos tapewwey mok arih..kwang3..tuhlaa..suh sangat kito gorem keppot dih?? miss those times~ *i mean, when we hv time to gather* loni bilo lagi nok kupo jupo rama2?..huk~

Tengku Atique said...

hahah...tula sapal. Beha, lamo tehs ngejah blog!