Monday, January 26, 2009

this is an excerpt of me being an idiot.

scene: Physiology Department, Windle Building.

Atiq : Hi, excuse me. Hi.
Lady : Hi, can I help you?
Atiq : Yes, you know where Professor Ni Chiarda's room is?
Lady : uhh...her room is right there down the corridor...
Atiq : oh, th..
Lady : ..but I'm Ni Chiarda.
Atiq : ...
Idiot : ...Yes, uhm, yes, I mean of course you are Professor Ni Chiarda, I mean, uh..I'm so so sorry! I didn't..I..
NICHI-FREAKING-ARDA :'s okay, why were you looking for me?
Idiot : I had a question on the brain..somewhere, it's..the pathway, uh, paraventricular nucleus,'s..not quite,..uhm..I,
NICHI-FREAKING-ARDA : how about you send me an e-mail about it and we'll arrange a consultation if needs be, okay..? I have someone waiting for me in my room.
Idiot : yes, yes okay sure! i'm...i'm sorry, i..okay. thanks!


(i wish i was a ninja and can dissappear into the wall)

(this happened last year, and this is me blogging after studygrouping from 8am to 11pm)


Anonymous said...

bakpo ruangan komen ni tadop emoticon guling2 supo ym tu eh?? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...


Tengku Atique said...

cisss. tapi tapi she looked so different up close! walaupun i always sit in the 2nd or 3rd row in her lectures because they're always good, that's still a good 5 meters away! uwwaaaa.

and they all look alike! blonde and tall...*sigh.

beeRamza said...

wakakaka...atiq, lenkali print out pics of ur lecturers pahtu paste tepi diagrams2 hok keno hafal tu..heheh...

Iron Butterfly said...

tiq toq!!! and here im thinking you've never met her before! u've been attending her lectures and u can't remember her face? wtf? =)) (this is suppose to be emoticon guling2)

Tengku Atique said...

hahah...i know i know, i can be quite the bimbo sometimes *sigh