Tuesday, January 6, 2009

kawan saya yang ini nama dia Al-Amin

(he has been asking for a post about him since AGES ago haha...cehh...ade ke patut mintak2, pukul karang.)

tengah-tengah malam ni nak tulis pasal Amin apehal, you might ask? well, pendek je pun...saje. sebab tibe2 terfikir yang without amazing friends like him, who's absolutely determined in being a steady figure in my life, ill probably be left without any long-standing friends at all.

i suck at keeping in touch. i just am, and there is no cure for it. friends like Amin and Nisa and Nana...they're still in touch with me because they insist on it. i adore their loyalty to the friendships they make.

in the past few weeks...i think Amin must've sent me like four or five texts, and i didn't reply to any of them. i was either 1.in the middle of something and then forgot to reply or 2.just being plain old Atiqah yang sumpah malas gile kot nak tulis msg.

and then he called a few times, ade sekali Atiq tak angkat, ade sekali Atiq tengah kat kaunter Lidl tengah nak bayar so i hung up in a hurry. mase tu dah start rase besalah sebab Amin said he'll call later-later lah sebab die dah nak gi main bola anyway; which made me think that he didn't even expect me to pick up in the first place. so i called him later in the day and we did a little bit of catching up...

even though Kakak thinks i would end up with Amin and even though Amin thinks i still like him (EH PERASAN BETOL MALAS NAK LAYAN) and even though Ain thought it was a miracle when Amin bought me a 1ringgit worth of guavas back when we were in KMB, i'm pretty sure we'll never be anything more than friends. but he'll always be in my life, because he insists on it and because with that kind of face he can ask for anything in the world :] (OMG ATIQAH PUJI AMIN???)


Ain Sallahuddin said...

hmm...macam takley percaya je atiq tulis pasal amin..hahahahaha..
especially that last sentence..mcm atiq menyokong amin 'simple, cute and adorable'fav quote..hahahahaha..
amin!i demand a one ringgit jambu too!haha

Iron Butterfly said...

amin mitok post stail dekki ron buat post about me ko? haha. (like he reads 34C).

yeah Tiq, u should appreciate ppl like him. Like me. Hok rajing keep in touch nga saing2, tapi saing2 nok reply or return call pon malah. Oh.. I got fed up jugok these days so too badlah malah doh layey sek2 tok menghargai friendship.

yes Amin, somehow instead of you thinking atiq likes u, i think you're the one who likes my sister. hahaha.

oh. i like you because you look like the man i love. Mahadi. (go look in my facebook kalau rajin)

omg. dengan selamba oyak chenta ko Mahadi in your blog. takpow. you don't invite him to read. heh.

Tengku Atique said...

Ain : hahahah...inorite!! XD amin dah murah hati dah skarang ain, siap blanje orang makan omg can you believe it? (orang tu bukan atiq k hohoho)

Kakak : i know, he reminds me of you. ahaha no lah kak, he's like that with all them ladies.

and zomg Mahadi. you're gonna be anorexic if you're with him..haha. before him atiq tok rajing jupo guys hok memey kurus doh tapi on diet!

Iron Butterfly said...

hahahah when he saw my laptop dio kato maso tu dio gemuk doh (the picture u took at rose's is now permanently my wallpaper).

oh dio tok diet mano doh loni, mugo keno gi lunch/dinner meeting sokmo with them politicians. he's bigger than the last time you saw him i think.

and the idea of being anorexic is not that bad now kakwe is catching up with me fast. MESTI KURUS! MESTI! (chanting in my head)

Anonymous said...

serious tak paham ayat ni "because he insists on it and because with that kind of face he can ask for anything in the world :]"

explain sket....

Tengku Atique said...

Kakak : hahahaha saiko!

Amin : i hate you.

Iron Butterfly said...

eleh amin ngada2.. dah puji secara subtle nak suruh orang puji secara terang-terangan pulak ;p

Anonymous said...

ahahahahah..bile lagi atiq nak puji..tak penah pon puji amin ni ahhahaha