Tuesday, January 6, 2009

it's so cold that i wore my coat the entire duration of my back-to-back Pharmacology lecture and i was so tempted to wear gloves but the hall was packed with people (second meds + second dents + second pharms) and cam segan plak nak pakai glove karang orang cakap over...haha. and the guy sitting beside me...omg. he's unbelievable. NEVER sitting beside that dentistry kid ever again. patutla slalu je die duduk tepi sekali and selalu takde orang duduk sbelah die. me being the nice person that i am (cewah padahal datang lambat pastu lecture hall dah penuh so takde choice dah) pergi la duduk seblah die...tanak la cite pasal die, tak baek. tapi tanak dah duk tepi die uwwaaa. serik.

motivasi untuk pergi awal ke kelas : supaya tidak perlu duduk disebelah Encik X. sape datang paling lambat kena duduk sebelah Encik X, padan muka. omg taknak please.


Iron Butterfly said...

bakpo tiq?
busuk ko?

Tengku Atique said...

dop, tapi...wargh kenot tell. i'm a nice person, you see. haha.

Iron Butterfly said...

eleh. posting something about him already considered 'nngato' hokay.