Thursday, January 29, 2009

'Hey, do you know that woman with brown spiky hair who works at the counter down in the cafe?'
'I bought coffee from her the other day along with a muffin, and she didn't charge me for the coffee, so iwas like, yeayy, right. and then I was down there again today for another cup of coffee, and i gave her five euros, and she gave me FIFTEEN euros back. hahah'
'she has a crush on you'
'nope, she just can't count'
' should buy a cup of coffee everytime she's there'
''ll pay for my education'


i'm at the library. that was my classmate and I during BH tutorial. crazy person gaining money everytime he buys coffee...apekah.


Anonymous said...

waaahh!! nk jugok ginih...can pay for my daily meal!!

Tengku Atique said...

pendet, that's way too fast! i uploaded the post like two seconds before you commented. hehe. i bet half of my views are from you. you've way too much free time, mister.

Anonymous said...

what else to do...memei kijo depei pc..hahaha