Sunday, June 29, 2008

truly madly deeply do

(unrelated titles for the win)

Watched Didie in tv3 last night, which was hilarious. sakit tangan kena cubit sebab asyik gelakkan dia, haha. I wondered for a moment, who among my friends would remember to watch it after my constant reminding them. If they know me enough, they'd know that it was a big deal to me. I'm so happy for some reason. Probably happy that at least a few remembered :) and happy that my sisters ask for my opinion in everything, happy for all the love they're offering. Happy that I'm standing my ground in things that matter to me. Happy that my summer will last longer this time.

I drove both the Persona and Wira yesterday. Wooowwwww....dah lama tak drive okay. So I was basically a bane to the other drivers in Wakaf Bharu, haha. Ampunnn...saya budak baru belajar. Both cars were automatic though, so it obviously wasn't that hard. I just need to get used to it all over again. Made Ayahnda go and buy P stickers for me, I can't have crazy drivers himpiting me in traffic ever again, I'd smash them cars in no time.

omg it's raining! yayy!


:: fAzRa :: said...

atique...akak tak sure atique ingt tak ko akak...akak duk serumah nge kakwe n ajah mase kat s.alam...and yes..akak tgk didie kat tv3...hehehe..tu pun coz akak bc dlm blog ajah yg dia menang..confident je didie....

Tengku Atique said...

hehehe...ingat2 ko kak asmat. didie memey poyo :p thanks for watching!

Iron Butterfly said...

My sister speaks Melayu Damansara when she entered spelling competition *faint