Monday, June 23, 2008

i have a lot of

posts that i dont like anymore on here, but i suppose i'd keep it for the sake of the memory that it holds. ..or so that i can see whether i've matured throughout the years.

YESTERDAY i went to the bank. there's this pakcik (who works for CIMB i guess, he's wearing a CIMB jacket) who came up to me right when i stepped in, and began doing EVERYTHING for me, he even filled in the forms for me. while he was doing all this, i began to feel a bit offended, thinking that the pakcik must've thought i was a helpless little girl who couldn't do anything herself.

after a while, the makcik bank tells me i have to wait until she calls me, because there were a lot of people applying for ATM cards that day. so i waited obediently..for hour and a half. than she called me and went;

makcik bank : alamak dik..account adik baru reactivate balik hari takleh buat card lagi..esok baru boleh..sorryyy buat adik tunggu
atiq : haa..nape tak cakap awal-awal..sejam setengah dah tau saya tunggu
makcik bank : sorry dik..esok adik datang, akak buat adik punya mula-mulaa sekali, k?
atiq : mm, okay. takpe, nak buat macam mane.

and then i walked out to see ayahnda beside his Wira; the car won't start. great. as we were waiting for Abe Mizi to come and help, i saw the pakcik bank again.

atiq : pacikk...keta tanak start.
pakcik bank : hahh? ye ke? *goes off to find help*
atiq : alamak *didn't expect him to, saje je ngengade*

a while later, when the pakcik came back

atiq : pacikk...takpe2, orang dah datang tolong
pakcik bank : ke. kena belanja pakcik makan la kalau cantu.
atiq : err...hah?
pakcik bank : belanjaaa
atiq : belanja? errr
pakcik bank : bile nak belanja?
atiq : err..saye belanja pakcik..dengan care..saye..akan menggunakan khidmat CIMB dengan lebih maju jaya!! (i swear i said that, haha)
pakcik bank : haa...bagus bagus!

LOL. i can't believe he went along with it. i kinda expected a frown or something.

ooh. i've finally made peace with this friend i've been disliking for quite a few years for things she apparently didn't even do. it was more because i got a bit defensive for things i thought she said about my then-boyfriend. as i've broken up with the then-boyfriend for quite some time now, i figured i should talk things out with her. it's a massive relief. and i haven't talked to her in so long, i forgot that she's actually quite nice.

and update of sorts;
i've finally fully unpacked everything in the two suitcases. found stuff i didn't even remember bringing back, which was nice. called Kak Filah who's currently here in Kelate with beloved husband. started doing Neuroanatomy notes for next year. went out with a few friends. got so anxious that my sisters are sitting for their mid-year exams for no apparent reason. oh my God this entry is so boring.

Kak Na, if you're reading this, i have Ireland magnets for you :)


nona said...

yayy!!! boleh tambah koleksi! kirim ko zakiah boleh? berapa harga? kak na su kyah bayar sekali. thanks atiq!

Anonymous said...

ngah ngah ngah... wira tok leh start pulok doh? aigoo... hari tu bekki ribu2 dohs. meme keno pencenla tu.

Anonymous said...

and ohh... seriously weirdly friendly overly helpful pak cik bank...

Tengku Atique said...

kak na : buleh buleh...nati atiq gi rumoh mok long. duk nok gi jak hari tu lagi, tok dey lagi nk gi huhu. olos..sebo saloh nk bayar, nati kak na kelik bowok atiq gi jaley. hehehe

kakwe : nooo...the wira cannot pencen. its my only hope to drive ever :( and the pakcik is not gatal! but yes seriously weirdly friendly overly helpful. haha.