Thursday, June 19, 2008

crazy urge to blog

lately i find myself filtering what i write on my blog...i'm not quite sure why. it's probably because i'm safeguarding certain things from certain people, etcetera. but now i think this would totally beat the whole point of having a blog, right? it's a diary so i should be able to write what i want. but people will judge. and handling people judging me is not really something i look forward to.

Opie called, telling me she's stressed out from all the studying, and basically freaking out, telling me she wants to go overseas too. whatever is going on with our living system, everyone is being either 1. a studying robot or 2. a working robot. it's depressing. i kept on convincing Opie that she's a million times smarter than i am so she obviously is capable of getting SPM results as good as, or even better than, my results. i pretty much suck at school, i only get a maximum of 5 As when i was in mrsmpc, and i regularly fail Physics and Add Maths. but i studied my brain off during the final three months, so i guess that helped a bit. i still can't believe i got 8 As for my SPM though, the scales must have been rock bottom. even so, with 8 As, i probably was the one with the worst SPM results in KMB back then. anyone who didn't get 9 As get 10As over there. freaking nerdheads.

i went out today. it was half adorable, half disastrous. that is all i have to say about that one.

KuZett beat me at osom twice. TWICE. grrrr. i ALWAYS win at osom! HOW can she be so good at it??

i had gulai ketam and udang goreng and ikan singgang (lol, does that word even exist in standard Malay?) for dinner, it was lush ^.^

i'm going out with the Jaa tomorrow. yeay for friends with cars at their disposal :p
the Jaa is a very small person with a very loud voice, i think she's related to Pikachu.
i wonder whether Ayahnda would let me out tomorrow, seeing that i've already went out today.

this blog doesn't really make much sense. gomenasai.

musang, when is your summer break? i want to know. and i want to know whether you're reading this.

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