Wednesday, June 25, 2008

of things i don't want to know about.

sometimes it's fun catching people red-handed. you get to see them menggelabah and make fun of it later when things calm down a bit. but what if you caught someone doing something you really despise, something you don't really want to know or expect they would be doing, but they act as if it was no biggie, and that they did nothing wrong?

i feel like puking. kepala ni macam berpinar pun ada. rasa nak lempang orang, tapi sabar. sakitnya hati bukan kepalang. nak cerita kat orang tak boleh. in fact, dah lama tak bercerita dengan sapa-sapa apart from my sisters. pasal ni, nak kasik tau my sisters? kirim salam. nak ulang ape yang jadi kat mulut ni pun tak sanggup. macam nak keluar air longkang serba payau instead of words.

sape suruh jadi my blog. padan muka, padan muka. kan dah kena dengar atiq bebel. i can't possibly bore my friends with this. lagipun they'd probably be all 'bagitaula ape jadi...come on, you know you can trust me'. banyakla semua orang punye trust. dah takde hati nak percaya kat orang lagi dah.

okay bai.


nother said...

i am like that too, wanting to tell my friends how do i feel without really telling them. skdr mahu bebel2 lepas geram tp tanak gtau sbb ape.
but they rarely let me do that. they will talk me into spilling and then I would then I'd hate myself for not keeping my mouth shut.*deep breath.*
ergh, it is always tht hard.
im one of the many atiqahs in the world too.

Tengku Atique said...

why didn't i reply to your comment...?~ sorrryyyy. hope you see this, and hope you didnt think i was a snob for not replying. i must've completely forgotten to.

hai atiqah :)