Sunday, June 1, 2008

the (somewhat) eventful night before Niesa went back

it feels different, not having the bugger knock on my door every few hours. she's now well on her way back to Malaysia, i hope everything goes on well.

anyway this blog is about last night. since it's her last night here, we all went to hang out in her room, making a lot of noise and pointing out the food that we think she should just leave for us to finish, and basically bugging her while she packed. Dayah and I were on the bed, watching adorable YouTube videos and cracking up, while Mas is on the floor lost in her own world, listening to her lush iPod Touch while writing good luck cards to her anak-anak usrah (mak usrah yang baek hati). and then some time later Niesa was done packing and joined me and Dayah on the bed (don't ask how the three of us can fit on the single bed), and Dayah passed the laptop to Mas. so Mas is then, again, lost in her own world, surfing the netz, while the rest of us drowned the room in noisy banter and meroyan-ish screams. Mas kept telling us to keep it down cause we might be annoying the neighbours but Dayah kept being noisy anyways, lol. when two degil people come together x.x


quite some time afterwards..

come an unexpected


..and then;


yeap. the bed broke.


Mas : aku kat bawah...aku kat bawah!! aku tak bersalah!
Niesa : die patah kat side kau baring, atiq!
Me : *sad face* err...sorry....?~

and then, of course, naturally, we then proceeded to my room and ALL FOUR OF US hopped on the bed and start doing random things again (this time Mas isn't only in her own world, she decided to sleep terus. lol.). thank God my bed is not a wooden one, it's a springy, mattressy (double size) kinda bed, so it won't break. haha..adoiiila.


P.S. my prayers go out to dearest Atiq Stabilo who's currently hospitalized for AVM, who was always calling me as his 'name-twin' when we were in KMB. you better get well soon so i can hate* you for being so smart all over again :)

*just kidding


Intan said...

atiq,ni ak - intan nadia!haha~
what a surprise

han86 said...

OMG, I see my name in the title of this entry! Sgt2 terharu atiq *sob sob*, hehehe ;) I just can't stop smiling thinking about the incident that night, it was hilarious I shall say, hahaha. Thanx guys for that night,( and for breaking my bed so that I can get a new one, haha) I'm sure gonna miss you guys alot during this summer break..

p.s: if you can just tell our beloved landlord to replace the broken bed with a queen-sized one, that would be awesome, I surely am gonna love you even MORE!! ;) I miss you. Have a wonderful summer break~ *XOXO*

Tengku Atique said...

intan : hai! how did u get here? oja punyo blog eh?

nisa : syg, i don't suppose you meant for you blogger ID to come up here, do you? you can delete the comment if you want to, k. and i'm going to miss you, and no i'm not gonna ask lily to buy you a double bed haha. x.