Wednesday, June 18, 2008

second year, at long last.

i made it, alhamdulillah :)


Anonymous said...

congrats atiqah!!! i'm really happy for you. miss all of you oredi :)

nona said...

yukata ne! omedetto!

Tengku Atique said...

thaaannkksss kak husna and kak na!~


n Z r A said...

yeayyyy!!!!! congrattossss!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

alhamdulillah dan astaghfirullah... congratz yek atique... tak sabar2 rasanya nak jumpek atique dalam lecture hall next term nanti...kita usaha sama2 yek...

Iron Butterfly said...

congrats!!! i know u'd made it!

Tengku Atique said...

hee :D