Monday, June 16, 2008


salam wbt :)

a LOT of things happened. bad ones and good ones and funny ones and sweet ones and stuff. but i'm now feeling icky so i'm blogging half-heartedly. i'm always feeling icky lately because i'm only just re-adjusting to the weather of the microwave country, so i'm sweaty all the way, eww. i shower even at, like, 3 or 4 in the morning if i suddenly wake up because i'd feel icky and can't go back to sleep. ergh. annoyyingg.

i attempted to hafal my new phone number but failed miserably.

have a huge bad news i've been delaying to type over here. sigh.

it's, uhm. it's Tokku - he has lung cancer. yeap.
he's been diagnosed with it for more than 4 months now, but he didn't want me to know until i got back. now everything makes total sense. mom asking me to come back with the excuse that Tokku's 'not feeling well', Tokku not calling me all the time the way he used to (he calls directly from his handphone so his calls are expensive; he can't afford to waste money like that anymore i guess, his medication costs a whopping RM300 per pill)..etc etc. i don't really wanna talk about it, it feels weird. thank you for explaining cancer stage 2b for me and listening to my senseless blabbering. <3

Tok Ayah on the other hand looks better than he sounded on the phone; he's feeling a lot better, too, and that makes me happy.

went to ZS to see the two little buggers as soon as i reach Kelate. i didn't wait till they get back from school because they're not coming back until 4.30. and oh my god Didie is almost my height already. and KuZett is slightly taller than my chin. they grow up so fast. i really don't want them to grow up - mentally and physically, hehe. the next time i come back, Didie's going to be taller than i am and KuZett's going to be at least my height. lol. it happened with Opie last time, it's going to happen again. in a few years time i'll officially be the shortest in the family. adeyh.

my kampung looks so different now.


Iron Butterfly said...

I was warned not to write about Tok Ku until you are informed. And I told yee not too as well.

It's the biggest thing that I have kept out of my blog.

Tengku Atique said...

oh..yo kow. huhu~