Thursday, February 24, 2011

I forgot to tell you : I have summer tickets!

Hello? Hi. This is a life update entry.

I don't know if anybody checks this anymore, but sisters, I'll be going home on the 10th of June. All the way to the 5th of September, which was a mistake because I thought it was a sunday, but apparently it is a monday. I wonder if anybody would be available to send me to KLIA that monday morning...? :/ Arih said I could check-in at KL Sentral, so if nobody can send me all the way to KLIA, I guess KL Sentral would have to do.

I decided to go home this summer despite circumstances because my fyp is based in Malaysia, and the fact that I'd learn so much more if I did my electives in a Malaysian hospital, AND, MOST OF ALL, I can RAYA at home this year! Well not really...I'm skipping a whole week of college to achieve that. Well make that a week + 1 day because I bought a monday ticket :/

Who can blame me though...I've been away for so long, that I lost a grandfather in that time frame. I've been away for so long, that my youngest sister take my absence as default and normal. Lagipun dah lama Atiq tak raya dengan mama, bangun pagi ada makanan raya atas meja...walau macam mana perit pun drama beraya kat rumah, takde orang akan faham perasaan Atiq selagi dia tak melalui lima tahun makan cereal di pagi raya...lima tahun raya tak salam dengan tokwe, dengan tok ayah...sampai dah takde lagi tokku untuk Atiq salam tahun ni, hanya tinggal nisan untuk Atiq siramkan...

Distance hurts, a great deal.




Awah said...

I think I can send you off.. but have to see my next semester's timetable.

Iron Butterfly said...

Oloh. Keno tengok next sem's table. I can send you offlah. Amik cuti jah. Bukey payoh. Hahaha.

Tengku Atique said...

YEAY THANKIES. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I thought applying for leave on the monday after a week of cuti raya might be a bit of a stretch :/