Monday, February 14, 2011

the beautiful childhood memories that was, and still is.

  • playing outside Ketani where the well-trimmed jejarum bushes were my fort.
  • pretending the huge swing at my house was a spaceship.
  • channelling a very agile monkey on that same swing, doing various extreme acrobatic tricks.
  • staring at the high up water tank, wishing I had the guts to climb it.
  • building a fort from cushions in Ramadhan with my sisters, waiting for 'ore mitok sedekoh' to come and then when they come, ignore the ringing bell and pretend they were serial killers out to get us.
  • playing 'Dr Geletek' in which one person becomes the doctor who would examine her patients and the treatment for every single diagnosis was tickles.
  • help my good-looking neighbour/boy buddy hide from another neighbour whose ultimate goal in life was to marry said boy.
  • hitching a ride on my sister's bicycle while she cycles around the kampung, with the sister usually pissed off at me for making her do it.
  • playing hockey behind my house with my neighbours, using planks of wood and a tennis ball.
  • mengaji Al-Qur'an at the local surau near my house with the rest of the kids in my kampung...somehow I am very fond of this memory.
  • riding a beca to and from taski with my cousin, reading out loud every single billboard we can see because we were obnoxious and loved being the smartypants in the taski.
  • standing at the back of said beca where we usually put our backpacks in, and then randomly jumping off it (while it was moving) and then waiting for it to move a bit of a distance away from me. Then I would run after it with all my might and jump right back on.

That last one was my favourite game ever. I obtained many minor injuries on my foot because of it (pakai selipar je pegi taski), and eventually my pakcik beca worried we might get hurt playing this lets-see-if-we-can-run-faster-than-the-shaw game so he told us he got in trouble with the police because of it, so we had to stop. Well, I HOPE he lied.


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