Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dear Diary.

Hey, I guess it's just you and me here now. Which is cool, because I don't have to worry about people judging me.

I realize a lot of things I said here are repetitious, and if one reads my blog entries back to back one would notice it. For the most part this is due to my being very forgetful (wrong career path, much?), but I wonder if it's because I type things to convince myself that it's true.

The best years in my life were my Naim years and KMB years because I met some of the best people in my life there. ZS was hell for me, and MRSMPC was too much to handle.

University? It has been a crazy bumpy ride for me so far, but it forced me to grow as a person. Sometimes I go back to my old ways (especially in Twitter...people who keeps in touch with me only via Twitter will probably think I'm an egoistic bitch, which is partially true), but I would usually quickly realize this and give myself a hypothetical slap to snap out of it.

Sometimes I think the reason I drag (a few) boys in my life despite my best efforts to stay away from them is because their friendship feel safer to me.

No backstabbing, no bitching behind my back. Well, at least that's what I think.


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