Monday, May 24, 2010

Potential foster parents?

Hey blog.

Thanks for putting up with my slightly insane mood swings/personality changes. I scare myself with it too, sometimes.

I got a dinner date with a patient tomorrow. Haha, saja je kan nak buat ayat ala-ala kontroversi begitu. No actually, it's a couple of patients; a married couple in their early 50s, if I'm not mistaken. Kejap lagi kena check balik my patient notes on them.

I met them while I was doing my GP rotation, and they seem to really...I don't, me...for some reason. I do not know what this alleged Reason is.

Jack, the husband, visited the GP again a couple of days after I met the couple for the first time, just to drop their address and number for me, telling me they can be my patients if I ever needed to do a case write up or things like that, and told me to call in for dinner some time. I was at first a little bit confused, tapi lepas tu rasa terharu pulak.

They don't have any children...I think that might have been a contributing factor for their eagerness to have me over for dinner...I don't know. So I called them yesterday, because I'm done with the summer exams and I promised myself I would go over to their place before I go home for summer.

They even insisted to buy Halal meat (somehow they know the local Halal meat shop) to cook for me, despite my protests and suggestions of a spuds and vege dinner.

Don't be concerned about my safety, they're my patients...I know enough about their respective medical conditions to be sure that I can overpower the two of them biiznillah if needs be. But I'm pretty sure they're genuinely nice, in a cute Irish kind of way. So don't worry kay.



Anonymous said...

Siapa je dengan selambanya fikir u takkan selamat? u kan puteri kelantan, mesti selamat nya. ;p

Tengku Atique said...

I puteri tanpa bodyguard :(

Haha, I mana ada puteri lahhh. Puteri bunian mungkin.

Anonymous said...

mesti ada power mcm queen kan. ahaks!

Tengku Atique said...

lama tak dengar orang cakap 'ahaks', so old school!