Thursday, May 27, 2010

safe and sound


hai blog.

hai blog. hai. hai.

(level keannoyingan saya di kehidupan sebenar apabila sedang hyper adalah lebih kurang ini)

so here I am, still living and breathing after that dinner with my patients. although I did fall sick directly after that, due to the scorching hot sun and mas's viral infection.

Jack is a freaking
excellent cook, he's one of those food enthusiasts that knows a LOT about ingredients and asks questions like 'Do you like your vege well done, or crunchy?' (to which Loraine lovingly answered 'Just cook the damn vege!'). So naturally the dinner was amazing, with stuffed mushroom and sweet/spicy sauce served with lettuce and tomatoes, Jack's own recipe for Chow Mein noodles that tasted like teriyaki stir fry, and vanilla ice cream served in raspberry sauce and bananas (it's a three course meal! wooo.). mengapa semua orang pun excited nak sabotaj diet saya dikala wedding awah semakin tiba ini?

I'm glad I made time to go, Jack had a blast going on and on and on about the things he cooked for us, and he just kept chattering away. He must have longed for company, because I can't blame Loraine if she's a little bit disinterested to listen to his food banter - he goes in SO much detail! Must be tiring to listen to it all day long, 7 days a week.

He even packed me a goodie bag with the ingredients to the dish he made for me that evening, just in case I wanted to make them (they're really good!). He even gave me a whole bottle of pineapple chutney! I still prefer mango chutney though, but hey - I'm down with any good food.

When he was dropping me off at Fatin's house (oh, did I say? I asked Fatin to teman me for the dinner), guess what he did? HE GAVE US MONNAY. I wanted to give it back to him (as you do) but he insisted, and when I still refused to take it, he asked me to use part of it to buy something for Mama from Ireland. I didn't want to offend him, so I accepted it but not without threatening him that I don't want to see him and Loraine again if he intended to give me money a
second time. He promised he wouldn't.

Guess how much he gave us?

E50 each @.@

Dah la tu, hari tu balik-balik je rumah, Adilah cakap pakcik Patrick (aka the Landlord) dropped by and said harga rumah jatuh, so dia bagi sewa bulan Julai kitorang free. This is Patrick we're talking about...yang baik hati tapi agak berkira orangnya, yang lepas dipujuk untuk kurangkan sewa summer (sebab Landlord orang lain mostly bagi half price utk summer), still refused. Tiba-tiba datang dan volunteer untuk bypass one month's rent.

Dikala I'm dead broke and don't really have money to buy anything for people at home and barely enough money to buy Awah's wedding present.

'……dan sesiapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar, Serta memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas di hatinya dan (Ingatlah), sesiapa berserah diri bulat-bulat kepada Allah, maka cukuplah Allah baginya. Sesungguhnya Allah tetap melakukan segala perkara yang dikehendakiNya. Allah telahpun menentukan kadar dan masa bagi berlakunya tiap-tiap sesuatu.' - At-Talaq; 2-3
'Ayat Seribu Dinar'

Good night world

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