Friday, May 14, 2010

Google things

I've always loved Google's 'I'm feeling lucky' button, and think it is witty and laidback for a company as massive as Google to do such thing.

I use Google Reader to read all the blogs I follow and all the newspapers/independent media that I attempt to follow, because it's just so much easier to keep up when everything is in one place. Yesterday I was trying to figure out how I can change the 'view' setting for my Google Reader, when I found the list of 'sort' know, the way windows have the 'arrange by type', 'arrange by size' etc for your folders. and I was so amused when I saw the options they gave me;

Sort by newest

Sort by oldest

...wait for it...

Sort by magic

needless to say, I clicked it straightaway.


nona said...

hehe.. nati atiq buleh geng la ngan shakir, tu jenih tokleh hidup kalu takdok google tu. owh lupa, shakir --> bakal sepupu baru.. hehe

Tengku Atique said...

Kak Na!! Congrats!! Sorry atiq tokdey balik for it :/

nona said...

ish mano bulehhhh...keno balik jugok! heheh.. takpo tiq.. mujo dok jauh. so dimafkan..hehe..