Friday, May 14, 2010

even if you hated Justin Bieber

you HAVE to love this Greyson kid.

1) because his voice is so incredible for a 12yo and
2) because his name has been a TT on Twitter for two days, and Bieber is off the list for two days juga and
3) because his name is GREYSON. I really want a copy of Will Grayson, Will Grayson :(



akuorangbiasa said...

this is faarr faaarrr away BETTER than JB!

Iron Butterfly said...

i wanted to post the one that he originally posted, tp it screwed up rama sgt kali tgk. so i had to choose a random one and post on my wall.

gilo la only 12 and has that much depth. I only knew KRU songs. haih.

Didie said...

looks like JB will lose his fans. HAHA.

p.s : i hated JB.