Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm the Geek in the Pink


I just got through my first day of wearing a white coat at the hospital. We stuck out like sore thumbs because we were the only ones wearing white coats who look completely lost and confused.

I wore my bright pink baju kurung :) it is my current favourite. First patient has myasthenia gravis, which was a pretty good case. Boleh tak consultant tu tanya Atiq whether or not I can speak Bangladeshi, because he has a patient who'd make for a really good case for us, but the patient doesn't speak English.


I was in the same team as Bazli, which I find rather funny. the poor thing got lost in the maze that is CUH and was late for our very first day, alolol shian. ada orang lagi bolok dari Atiq rupanya dalam dunia ni.

i'm off to class. still in my bright pink kurung :)



Iron Butterfly said...

that songket-ish baju you bought with us right?

n Z r A said...

sniff sniff..why lah always with bazli one?

*merangkak perlahan2 ke pintu belakang

Tengku Atique said...

kakak : YESH

naziwa : *tutup pintu belakang tak bg nad keluar* ENTAH.