Tuesday, September 22, 2009

coversations of today.

Nurse : How can I help you, love?

Atiqah : I was wondering whether I can still see Sean O'Connor's (bukan nama sebenar) file. He was discharged on the 19th so his file is gone from the ward.

Nurse : No problem. Can I get his date of birth please?

Atiqah : Thanks! Err. He's 67.

Nurse : Here's his NRN number. Are you an intern?

Atiqah : Nope, I'm a 3rd year medical student.


I was copying down Mr O'Connor's drug names and doses off his file in a facility room next to Dr Sweeney's secretary's office when a guy knocked on the door and went;

Guy : Hi, uhm. Sorry. Can I just use the fax machine for a bit?

Atiqah : Yeah, uh. Go on. *pura-pura bilik tu saya yang punya*


mesti belajar dengan tekun. mahu jadi doktor.

1 comment:

Clueless in Love said...

hohoho.. my atiq passes as a doctor? *beams* ~ bangga