Thursday, August 13, 2009

internetless for a couplea days

i called five tmnet helpline operators. FIVE. semua takleh solve the problem. pastu the technical guys came over pagi tadi (pagi buta, Atiq siap suara serak lagi), and fixed it in, like, 3 mins.

loads of things to blog about, tp now i've to go make lunch, sumpah bising budak2 H1N1 berdua kat belakang ni.

wait for the entries k!


p.s. ROBAEHA RAMZA MALAM NI DI TV9. TYPE GM(space)BEE! hahah promote Behaw. berani anda menyebarkan gossip2 liar tentang beta di comments section, cehssss. Ayahnda adalah beria menonton Gadis Melayu kerana anda. sigh. haha.


love.prevails said...

nok cito sumthin, tp pasal beha..
aritu,napok beha among the gadis melayu musim 2 gurls in media hiburan,
mimi mcm, eh supo kenal jah..
then mimi beli media hiburan nk baco jolo ko beha..hahah

point no.1: media hiburan laku 1 magazine disebabkan beha

then during gadis melayu sakni, mimi tgk time2 nk abes dh, mama mimi duk tgk..
then mimi oyak la,
mimi:ma, ado saing mimi masuk..namo dio bee.dio kecik2 comey2
mama:yoko.ado sore tu mama keney,comey2 jugok. mcm dio buleh meney jah.
mimi: hok mano so? okey nnt kto tgk (cz raso dh mcm dio refer ko beha)
* then tubek beha komen pasal water rafting*
mimi: haa ni laa saing mimi
mama: haa ni laa mama keney. keno undi ko? brapo charge 1 undi?
mimi:50sen kot.nk undi ko? mama wi ko mimi la duit tu, kumpul2 jd byk ma.baek wi ko ank sdiri ma
mama: alah takpola, 50sen jah pon, kito undilaa dio..

point no.2: tahniah beha, ibu saya berkenan pada anda. when mama mimi tau how to text the undi, mmg akn masuk lah undi sptmana dia undi mawi dulu.mama mimi kata masa absailing beha plg ok.
ucapan mimi, bwat molek beha, i bet rama ore sokong n vote beha..
good luck!!

** blog atiq ko blog beha ni? hahaha..atiq tulun ssapa deh..
maafla menyimpang plok doh, dhla panjey..sorry tiq! :P
nk wi smangat ko beha tp tok tahu nk ssapa ikut medium mano..
best jugok kalu ore klate meney..

***bilo nk g dating tiq?
tp musim h1n1 ni nk tubek pon takot

Iron Butterfly said...

Hahaha ni mimi anok uncle Halim ko? mama kenney nok bui ko Didie ko? *ROTFL.

love.prevails said...

hahaha i never think of it that way,keney as in beha can win lah kak azah..
surely didie looks for/found his other half on his own,amin..