Thursday, June 18, 2009

100 Truths (Tagged by Opie!)

001. Real Name: Tengku Nur 'Atiqah Tengku Mahmood
002. Nickname(s): Atiq, KuTique, Tiktok, Ting Tong, Tiqtiq (Mama), Berbintik-bintik (Mama), Artistik (Mama), Biktik, Tikus, heyhhh banyak nye, kurang asam betol ye korang!
003. Age: 21 going 22!
004. Horoscope: Sagittarius
005. Male or Female: Shemale...haha. Female.
006. Elementary: Sekolah Kebangsaan Zainab 1
007. Middle School: S.M.K. (A) Naim Lilbanat
008. High School: MRSM Bitara Pengkalan Chepa
009. College School: Kolej MARA Banting
010. Hair colour: Belack
011. Long or Short: Kepanjangan rambut ialah rahsia -ustazah-
012. Loud or Quiet: Depends.
013. Sweats or Jeans: sweats at home, jeans for outings. (guna jawapan Opie secara sesuka hati)
014. Phone or Camera: Phone. I'm no camwhore. I take pictures for the sake of capturing the moment.
015. Health Freak: well...sometimes.
016. Drink or Smoke: Neither.
017.Do you have a crush on someone: Not currently. Not since a very long time ago.
018. Eat or Drink: Both please!
019. Piercings: One on each ear, that's about it. Tu pun sia-sia sebab tak suka pakai subang.
020. Tattoos: Haram.
021. Social or Anti-Social: Anti-social, hah.
022. Righty or lefty: is righty a legit word?
023. First piercing: The one i have now.
024. First relationship: Ended because I didn't want to do long distance.
025. First Best Friend: Wan Nor Adibah Wan Zakaria the cousin :)
026. First Award: entah...probably in Taski, selalu jadi budak paling pandai, sekali dengan Dibah, gehehe. those were the days.
027. First Kiss: Pass.
028. First Pet: Tiada.
029. First Big Vacation: UK Tour in 2006 (London-Liverpool-Manchester-Cardiff)
030. First Love at first sight: I don't do love at first sights.
031. First Big Birthday: the one in KMB when they blindfolded me and recorded my stumbling around the block and them laughing their heads off. THAT was my first big birthday, I think. Family's not much of the birthday type.
032. First Surgery: Appendicitis, 2004. I'm appendix-less an can eat all the bijik cili in the world now. haha.
033. First sport you joined: entah la. penah ke join sports? haha. selalu letak 'Karate' je under sports masa kat mrsmpc.

This or That

034. Orange or Apple juice: apple.
035. Rock or Rap: both.
036. Country or Screamo: are we still on music? country please.
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: oh, the days. Both please!
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Both. But ONLY the teenager version of them, NOT the crazy bald/fake English accent/full of body piercings full grown woman version.
039. Night or Day: Night. Nightnightnightnight. Always. ALWAYS.
040. Sun or Moon: Moon. MOON.
041. TV or Internet: Internet. I survived for two years without TV in Cork, boo-yah.
042. Playstation or xbox: neither. sebenarnya kalau ada mesti addicted,zaman dulu2 addicted dengan video game and brick game. nasib baik takde.
043. Kiss or hug: neither. anti-physical contact, even with ladies. haha. atiqah cacat tak suke bermesra dengan manusia. kucing dan hanjing nak pulak. heh.
044. Iguana or turtle: Iguanaaaa! omg macho k!
045. Spider or bee: Bees are amazing. I know way more about bees than is necessary. I am an idiot who knows random things I don't really need to know.
046. Fall or spring: Autumn, as the Irish call it :) I really have a stone as a heart, don't I. Preferring dead leaves as opposed to blooming flowers.
047. Limewire or iTunes: I buy songs off iTunes because I am pretentious and I think buying songs off iTunes makes me a better person ethic-wise.
048. Soccer or baseball: neeeitther.


049. Eating: nope.
050. Drinking: noope.
051. Excitement level: 10%. dah nak titon. wehh banyak nye hengkau punya soalan tag ni sopiahhhh.
052. I’m about to: berus gigi.
053. Listening to: bunyi kipas.
054. Plan for today: ni dah masuk hari Jumaat. teman Mama pegi pasar dan selanjutnya pau Mama kuih dan buah-buahan tropika. HA MAKAN LAGI KUIH BANYAK2 PASTU KOMPLEN OBESE.
055. Waiting for: Bangkok trip!
056. Energy Level: 1%...haha.
057. Thinking of someone: nope.
058. Want kids?: yes.
059. Want to get married?: yes. hisy. i wish i don't want to. (HEY SOPIAH KATO NOK GROW OLD TOGETHER. haha)
060. When?: when it's the right time.
061. How many kids do you want: seberapa banyak yang Allah nak bagi :)
062. Any name on the mind: Mikail. Nak letak Pendekar tapi sapetah haritu cakap nanti kawan-kawan dia panggil dia Pendek.
063. What did you want to be when you were little: Doktor. Cikgu. Peguam. Vet. Ape-apeee je lagi lah.
064. Careers in mind: Doctor. Doctorrrr, please?
065. Mellow future or wild: willow.
066. Something you would never try: recreational drugs.
067. When do you want to die: bila kalau mati tu, jadi syahid. please?

Which is the better in the boy/girl you like (in the future)

068. Lips or Eyes: eyes because i don't want to sound perverse.
069. Romantic or Funny?: Ronny...haha suka main tipu. Ok fine funny.
070. Shorter or Taller?: Taller. PLEASE. I don't want my kids to be hobbits.
071. Protective or Caring?: Proting...haha okok dah tak kelaka. Caring.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous. I'm too cynical for romance (yakin.)
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Isy penat nye nak fikir. Pass.
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Neither.
075. Hook-up or Relationship?:
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: haha pemalas nak fikir witty answer.
077. Muscular or normal: WHO would prefer normal to muscular?
078. Kissed a stranger: ew?
079. Broken a bone: nope.
080. Lost glasses or contacts: eh ni soalan pasal ape nih? pasal current love affair ke? habis tu kalau takde macam mana...isy, kuiz yang tidak adil.
081. Ran away from home: i'm kinda lost here. wasn't the question "which is the better in him?" --> Opie's answer. This is where we shall all conclude that she's a million times more eloquent than I am.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: ok taknak jawab dah the rest of this section CONFUSING OK QUIZ NI DAHLA NGANTUK MALAS NAK LAYAN.
083. Killed somebody:
084. Broken someone’s heart:
085. Had your heart broken:
086. Been arrested:
087. Cried when someone died:
088. Liked a friend more than a friend:

Do you believe in

089. Yourself: sometimes
090. Miracles: yes, because God is capable of doing anything if He wants to.
091. Love at first sight: not in a million years.
092. Heaven: yes.
093. Santa Claus: he's a paedophile.
094. Tooth Fairy: is slightly creepy. die buat ape weh dengan gigi-gigi tu semua? gigi palsu?
095. Kiss in the first date: nope.
096. Angels: malaikat, yes.

Answer Truthfully

097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: nope.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?: i passed my finals, so yes. yes :)
099. Do you believe in God?: YES. YES :)
100. Post as 100 truths and tag people.

i'm tagging:

hareez (blogger pemalas)



tengku sofiah aishah, berani kau tag aku dengan mendalah panjang tiga meter nih.



Ain Sallahuddin said...

nyesal bukak.
panjang sgt la..mase dah 50 ain scroll kat bawah terus.hahahahha.
kelly pegi kelantan??wuwu..rinduu~

beeRamza said...

alamakk!! adakah ini satu jenis revenge?? whahahahaha

love.prevails said...

cik kak how are u...
sedaknyo atiq duk dumoh..
mimi duk tgg result tubek kames ni..
puaaaaahhhh sgt2..
oh btw, njoy ur hols babe :)

n Z r A said...

demmm panjang gile baru sedar!