Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bath, Great Britain

Hello, hypothetical friend in the form of technology.

Yesterday was off to a rocky start. It was raining in Cardiff when we woke up, and we missed our train to Bath. Luckily we could still use the tickets we bought for the next train :)

Bath was gorgeous. We went to the Roman Baths to see the hot springs the Romans built a temple around (because they thought it was the work of their gods and goddesses). There, I discovered that a lot of the names of the characters in Harry Potter (Minerva, Sirius, Lucius) are the names Roman gods. Being Atiqah, I realized that I've left my camera at the ticket counter when we were five minutes through the building, sigh. But I decided to just pick it up on the way back because we always use Nana's camera anyway. Such was my confidence in the honesty of the people there. Had this happen in Malaysia, I would be zooming to the counters straightaway.

When we were walking around there, one of the securities came over to me to ask a few questions so I can identify my camera. And so I got my camera back, yeay! 'mudah', bak kata Amin.

Then we met up with Bing, my classmate in KMB (who from then on was our tour guide/cameraman), he studies in Bath University. Well, studied. He's graduating this year, and is getting married in August! The first one to get married, wheeeyy.

He was hilarious as per usual. Bing lives in a house that appears in postcards because it's right next to the Royal Crescent. One of the houses on the Royal Crescent belongs to Johnny Depp! This will only be possible if you live in Bath.

one of those houses back there is Johnny Depp's

Muhammad Bing lives right next to this gorgeous/adorable Royal Victoria Park (everything is either Royal or Gay in Bath...haha), and I just fell head over heels with the place when I saw the park.

membuli Encik Kambing Kadir untuk membawa Whittard Coffee
yang dibeli untuk Kakwe dan Kakak

this is somebody's backyard; they made it open to public. these flowers
that you see? they smell like Crabtree and Evelyn. Nana and I nearly
fell off our feet, bending down to smell them in a slightly insane manner.

Ooh. We also bought a bun from Sally Lunn's (since 1680!), the oldest refreshment house in Bath. The bun was huuuuge, we ate it with their strawverry jam, and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. If you're into pastries/bread, this is a definite must if you ever visit Bath!

there was a small exhibition in their basement where they show their kitchen
in the olden times, and their oven is called 'Faggot Oven'

We also went to a Jane Austen museum! She lived in Bath, apparently. and Bing said they shoot part of the Pride and Prejudice in the field in front of his house (yang Atiq amek gamba 'i wish i can fly' kat atas tu). I wanted to buy this rare old print of the Pride and Prejudice that they sell there for Kakwe, but decided against it because I think it would be quite a pointless gift.

There are more that we did, such as taking a picture at a street that's called Gay Street, and nearly killing Bing in the process, and traumatizing Bing's housemate's fat guinea pigs called Rachel and Monica, but that was Bath for me and Nana. It was a fantastic day despite the gloomy wheather, and we got back to a rainy Cardiff at around 7.40pm.

Bing's funniest quote of that day;

'Spatutnya mall ni dah siap lame dah...tapi banyak gile delay. Nak buat camne, gali-gali jumpe temple, gali-gali lagi jumpa bom'

LOL. Bath is amazing.

Days to see the smiling face of a Kakwe in KLIA : 4


p.s. I'll be editing the previous post with pictures, don't forget to check that out!

p.p.s. I'm sorry this post is a bit dull, I'm yet to get my flair in writing (as if I ever had it la kan).


amin said...

wahai atiqah..its beng not bunyi macam membimbing? hahahahaa

Tengku Atique said...

hahahaha membimbing. aku pun tatau nape aku eja bing. sebab asal usul nickname tu kambing kot. haha.

amin said...


Tengku Atique said...

haha fine!! LOL, LOL, pukul kang.

Clueless in Love said...

I oso want to go to Jane Austen's museum...