Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Birthday to Mama and Nana~

today (yesterday? it's 1.01am now) i went to visit Kak Rose. she's going back to Malaysia for good, so she gave me some of her stuff (yeay!!). we did some catching up, she made me gorgeous Milo, and i taught her to be mean and reject the tons of friend requests she had on facebook. she's as gorgeous as ever. makin tua makin gorgeous apekah Kak Rose ni benci k. haha.

i did LOADS of shopping today. finally bought a blue Zara cardigan, i've wanted one of those since forever. bought a random sling/handbag that was on sale, i can give it to anyone who wants it. it's cobalt blue and really small though, i doubt anyone in the family would like it apart from me. i've always had an awkward sense of fashion, but meh. who cares. i wear what i like and that's the end of it.

i'm almost done packing. tinggal toileteries, baju-baju yang tak kering lagi, laptop ni, handphone, and iPod je yang tak masuk bag lagi. yang elektronik ni semua tengah charge.

haih bosannye entry ni, amenda tah Atiqah tulis.

pleaselah jangan gaduh dengan Ayahnda this summer, Atiqah. please refrain from talking back. just shut up. even when all your friends marah sbb biar Ayahnda ckp sorang-sorang. it's better that way. Atiqah diam = Ayahnda tak marah = dunia aman damai.

days to see the smiling face of a Kakwe in KLIA : 1!!!!!!



akuorangbiasa said...

1. anything for me??
2. just like me...duk diam bilo balik umoh...acu kecek skik gak ado hok sero ati namokam...x pasa2 jd anok derhako lagik

Iron Butterfly said...

yes. less we talk less derhaka we'll be. heh. (nasib baik blog ni private if i write something like this in mine, matilah you-know-who baco)

can't wait to see you tomorrow sistah.

Tengku Atique said...

rih : i REALLY REALLY wanted to buy this gorgeous Ben Sherman tie for you because it was on sale, tp x jadi sbb i didnt buy anything for my other friends, malah eh make you any more special than the others. haha :P

kakak : see you TOMORROWWW

akungajuahginih said...

......sapa ati.....