Friday, January 30, 2009

tupperwares and mothers

before i came here to ireland a few years ago, mama gave me a set of her 'treasured things' which obviously consists of a tupperware plate and set of cutleries. i love using these things, and i use them every chance i have, because they remind me of my mom and i think we have already established an understanding that my world revolves around her.

so just now i was frying away my cucur lemak manis (terima kasih Adabi!) and i had the tupperware plate near the frying pan so i can angkat-tolak the cucur directly into the plate. so...yeap. you already know what's next. it took me approximately five miliseconds to realize that the funny smell of burnt chemicals is actually the plate melting away...uwwwaaaa. now there's a lopsided side to it which means i can't eat anything berkuah in it because it'll inevitably spill on the table :( :(

come to think of it, this is my second melting-tupperware-while-frying-something incident. the first one was when Beha and I were frying these keropoks at Arih's place and we melted Arih's mom's tupperware...haha. it was hilarious because as we were freaking out/laughing in hysterics, Arih walked in with his video camera and asked us what's going on,and we were like 'xdop gapo xdop gapo hehe *sengih*' (we tried covering it up but failed miserably because the lid won't close properly..LOL)

Rih, i am inevitably on your mom's top menantu list because she asked me to cut up chillies for her and i was like '...gini ko auntie?' and then moments later: 'auntie...atiq raso pisa ni tupul'

hahahahah. and here i am, writing a post about making cucur out of a packet (JUST ADD WATER!).

The Undomestic Goddess

Thursday, January 29, 2009

mati tanpa:

ada lubang besar di hati saya dan ia bukan merupakan congenital heart disease.
(there's a gaping hole in my heart and it isn't congenital)
'Hey, do you know that woman with brown spiky hair who works at the counter down in the cafe?'
'I bought coffee from her the other day along with a muffin, and she didn't charge me for the coffee, so iwas like, yeayy, right. and then I was down there again today for another cup of coffee, and i gave her five euros, and she gave me FIFTEEN euros back. hahah'
'she has a crush on you'
'nope, she just can't count'
' should buy a cup of coffee everytime she's there'
''ll pay for my education'


i'm at the library. that was my classmate and I during BH tutorial. crazy person gaining money everytime he buys coffee...apekah.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Tokku called a couple of days ago while i was studying with my friends. He sounded as morbid as ever,

'Tokku sihat ko?'

then I talked to the loud Tg Farah Petri,

'jolo ko Awah nikoh tahun ni?'
'manoo...dop laaa...ngarukkss'

then some time later Ijey the nanny who took care of me since I was born/2nd mother called,

'Ijey!! Baby sihat ko??'
'Ku Atiq!! Baby sihat...gerok sokmo..'
'Alhamdulillah...Ijey jaley-jaley dop? Ijey jangey duk sajo k, Ijey keno exercise skep!'
'Ehehe..keno jaley ko Ku Atiq?'

then Mama didn't call, and i didn't have any credit to send a text merengek mintak Mama call..

then I began worrying about Didie and how is she coping with..things..

then I began feeling guilty for not calling Opie and let her complain about NS to me,

then I began to miss Kakwe's crazyrandom chitchats and Kakak's banter about whoever hotguy she just met/is crushing on,

I just...I miss my family. I'm a family person, In case you didn't notice already. Life taught me lessons the rough way as I grew up, and I kept losing friends because I didn't have the gift of being matured from the very beginning the way Didie did, so my sisters are pretty much all I have along my growing up, bailed me out from the police, kept secrets from my parents, pulled me away when I got in trouble, bared with my emotional burstouts...they're a huge part of me.

I love living here, but it does get tough sometimes.

going to study now. bye lovelies.

aku bukan satu episod, aku sebuah buku
aku bukan sebaris puisi, aku syair yang dilagu
-Kak Dianne

Monday, January 26, 2009

this is an excerpt of me being an idiot.

scene: Physiology Department, Windle Building.

Atiq : Hi, excuse me. Hi.
Lady : Hi, can I help you?
Atiq : Yes, you know where Professor Ni Chiarda's room is?
Lady : uhh...her room is right there down the corridor...
Atiq : oh, th..
Lady : ..but I'm Ni Chiarda.
Atiq : ...
Idiot : ...Yes, uhm, yes, I mean of course you are Professor Ni Chiarda, I mean, uh..I'm so so sorry! I didn't..I..
NICHI-FREAKING-ARDA :'s okay, why were you looking for me?
Idiot : I had a question on the brain..somewhere, it's..the pathway, uh, paraventricular nucleus,'s..not quite,..uhm..I,
NICHI-FREAKING-ARDA : how about you send me an e-mail about it and we'll arrange a consultation if needs be, okay..? I have someone waiting for me in my room.
Idiot : yes, yes okay sure! i'm...i'm sorry, i..okay. thanks!


(i wish i was a ninja and can dissappear into the wall)

(this happened last year, and this is me blogging after studygrouping from 8am to 11pm)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

i mixed cheerios with my almond crumble (with milk obviously) for my crappy dinner of the week, and it was horrible.


i suppose this is the end of my blogging bonanza. i posted like, ten posts in two days, what the and now i'm panicking for the exam for real. i'm spending the rest of my weekend in Laburnum, going to pull a one day one night study group insyaAllah.

pray for us?


Guy doing survey : Are you from Malaysia?
Me : Yeap.
Guy doing survey : Doing medicine?
Me : Yeap.
Guy doing survey : You're gonna be a doctor?
Me : ...i hope to be one, yes.

my weekend is starting with


because i'm cool like that.

hey, don't judge me! i can't help being a nerd.

and pendet, don't confuse my sister like that, please and thank you. she thinks you like me and i'm taking you for granted which is NOT TRUE so will you please stop confusing her.

have a good weekend! (i think i said this already)

sometimes i'm such an idiot.

...but that makes me human, right?


another post for the bored ones.

i always write posts before i go to bed these past few's a habit. i like to talk before i sleep. sometimes i phone people...i rarely do that anymore because...i don't know. i'm keeping my distance from people because people scare me and i like keeping my distance.

the purpose of this entry is to say that Derek Cate on the tubez (that's YouTube, Kakwe.) is an amazing singer. and so is Greg Holden and Julia Nunes. i pick and choose the music i listen to. i avoid love songs because i hate the way it mess with my emotions. freaking love songs. go away.

i adore music. i had 'without would be a mistake' engraved at the back of my iPod. but it's not an obsession. i just love raw talents and meaningful lyrics.

i'm sorry you had to read this. as a compensation i'd say that i love you. haha.

at Kak Di's birthday party (mostly) everyone was baffled with my sudden 'Kak Di, I LOVE YEWW!' statement. LOL. if they live with me they'd get used to it, i randomly say that to people all the time. somehow i feel like i'm so cold to people, i just need to make sure they know that i actually love them. i just don't quite have the emotional capacity to allow them to get too close.


Friday, January 23, 2009


(i like bimbo-istic titles)

ROBAEHA RAMZA RAMLI is the new reader. hahaha sajo jah glenya nk announce. omg i just realized something - All of you either come from Kelate, or not from Kelate but can comprehend the language anyway. WHY do i even bother typing in standard BM?~

...oh wait. that's because i rarely write in BM. wok aloh. BM is much more fun. when it's written in Kelate, that is. haha.

i hate speaking standard BM, the Kelate sense of humour just won't come out the right way using it!

(ooh, kak, by the way: i always write in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, not in raNdOm caPitaL letTers - note the difference!)


(and there she was down there, claiming to go on exam hybernation. YOU PHAIL AT LIFE ATIQAH)

p.s. niesa dan ain dikehendaki pura-pura faham bahasa kelate kerana telah berkawan dengan atiq selama beberapa tahun, sekian.

p.p.s. OMG this post has no structure whatsoever and is totally impossible to comprehend. SOWWIIEE.
i had amazing lectures + a pretty good tutorial today! Alhamdulillah :D

and later tonight i have a date with my patient's dad, and then the night's going to end with a birthday party @ Laburnum, YEAY.

heartheartHEART. have a good weekend lovelies!

still up.

my room is a maze. i get it if people trip when their room is messy, but tripping when their room is (considerably) tidy is a whole new level of disorganization (or clumsiness).

i'm up preparing for tomorrow's tutorial. the case study is about a disoriented man and a woman that vomits everything except water.

...good times.

have a good night/morning/afternoon depending on where you are and when you read this.


Atiqah (groggy/sleepy/hungry)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

where's my phone?

it's 1.15am and i just finished studying micturition (a.k.a. peeing - fascinating stuff) and was about to go to bed when i realized that my PHONE IS MISSING. now that i think of it, i don't think i even brought it back home.

which made me think; no wonder i don't reply to texts - the only reason i would look for my phone is to set up the alarm.

goodnight people.
(i have new thingamajics on my imeem playlist!)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


off the interwebz for the time being (or so she says).

p.s. my Pathology professor is insane.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Post With Pictures.



Nawfal memerhatikan makanan kegemarannya; plastik tisu.

Ya, sungguh sedap.

muka kantoi

Nawfal memerhatikan mangsa seterusnya; cawan plastik

'Atiq!! jgn galakkan die makan plastik laa!'
'tapiii...nanti die bisingggg'

Jangan salah faham. Saya belum bertunang.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

i just ate four oranges in a row.

i guess i'm lucky they weren't chocolate bars.

although i must add that i finished a chocolate bar literally the length of my forearm (birthday present from si cantik manis menawan Niesa lain kali boleh bagi lagi) in like three days...and that took me a lot of self control. and it was the swiss kind which basically means it's double the usual thickness of the normal chocolate bar.

losing weight? i guess not.


towards doomage

it's close to three freaking am and i'm still up. waking up in the morning is always a war against myself.

i'm a mess. i need to gain momentum again.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

way too cynical for my own good.

when i see people spelling their name or typing in the interwebworld with raNdom cApitaL leTterS, i immediately don't take them seriously (unless they're below 13).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

so i went to my patient's house this morning and naturally the labrador immediately identified me as his food so he came and tried to eat me.

i came home and samak-ed my waterproof jacket, my left hand, my shirt and my pen. my backyard now has a gaping hole with grasses splattered all around it from my frequent digging for tanah to use to samak things.

that was the second and last visit though, i got all i needed from her, and i'm going to get the collateral history from her dad who's working as a pak guard in Brookfield, so that's convenient. i don't have to go to her house and get eaten by Snoop.

well, i might have to go there again if i start writing my essay and realize i missed something or that i don't have enough material for a 'not more than 5,000 words' essay. so far i have 7 pages of raw information that i write down immediately after each visit, and i expect three pages worth of info from the dad. hopefully i won't have to go over to her house again so.

have class in 30mins...bye!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Diari seorang relawan Islamic Relief- Hatem Shurrab.

Gaza: 5 Januari

Untuk hari kedua kami terpaksa menangguhkan rancangan untuk mengedarkan makanan. Setiap jam keadaan menjadi semakin teruk, membuat kerja-kerja pengedaran makanan ke jalan-jalan menjadi sukar.

Rumah tanpa air dan bekalan elektrik. Penduduk Gaza hanya menerima bekalan air seminggu sekali selama enam bulan yang lepas. Bila bekalan elektrik terputus, air bawah tanah tidak dapat dipam keluar.

Ini sangat merbahaya. Tanpa air keadaan menjadi bertambah bahaya, masalah kesihatan dan isu penyakit merebak.

Gaza (lokasi) sekarang berpecah-pecah kerana kehadiran askar Israel dan menjadi sukar untuk pergi ke bahagian tengah (gaza)

Rakan saya yang sedang berkhidmat untuk anak yatim ditengah Gaza, sekarang ia menjadi sukar untuk ke situ.

Tanpa dapat bergerak dengan selamat telah memberi kesan yang buruk kepada usaha bantuan. Baru hari ini saya dapat berada di tempat dimana orang berbaris untuk mendapatkan roti dan bercakap dengan mereka. Letupan bom dapat didengar dimana-mana.

Saya berjumpa dengan seorang perempuan yang telah berbaris dari jam 730 pagi hingga 1030 pagi . Tetapi ada yang lain telah berbaris (untuk mendapatkan roti) sampai 10 jam- disebabkan kekurangan roti. Seorang lelaki saya jumpa, mengatakan kepada saya bahawa dia bertukar-tukar berbaris dengan adik lelakinya supaya tidak terlepas giliran.

Yang lain saya jumpa hanya mampu menangis bila saya mula hendak bercakap dengannya- ianya seperti tidak ada perkataan tinggal untuk diucapkan.

Kadang-kadang saya seperti bercakap perkara yang sama berulang-ulang, tetapi sememangnya keadaan kemanusiaan sesungguhnya mengecewakan. Rakan saya dari UN mengatakan (keadaan ini) adalah sebuah krisis kemanusiaan (yang buruk).

Setiap hari di Gaza rasanya seperti tidak akan menjadi lebih teruk lagi-tetapi itu yang terus berlaku. Orang di sini tidak tahu apa hendak dilakukan atau diharapkan.

Saya mengajak anda untuk membayangkan bagaimana perasaan anda bila berada didalam keadaan dimana anda dan orang yang tersayang (hidup) dalam keadaan makanan yang sikit, air yang sikit dan tanpa bekalan elektrik. Dan sepanjang masa bunyi letupan bom, missiles dan kereta kebal-boleh didengar dimana-mana.

10 hari yang panjang (siang dan malam) penduduk Gaza tinggal dalam ketakutan-kami begitu penat dan setiap hari yang datang membawa bersamanya lebih banyak keganasan dan kepayahan.

Diterjemahkan dari BBC NEWS

Megat Shariffudin Ibrahim 9/1/2009

Palestinian Centre of Excellent (PACE)


Http://dariipohuntu kgaza.blogspot. com

before you find out about it the wrong way (i.e. the news or YouTube)

today was the second time i joined a (peaceful) rally protesting against the war in Gaza. we're adamant about keeping within the law so as to not alienate the neutral people, so don't worry about no violence, not gonna happen insyaAllah.

it's a 50% muslim 50% non-muslim crowd...and the drivers and the people who watched were very supportive about it. i just spent like a couple of hours on it, so don't go and worry about me neglecting my studies kay. i'm still sane and reasonable, i promise. this is just something that i've been wanting to do since i'm sixteen. i don't want to be the people who just sits around, watch things unveil and say 'poor Palestininan people' and that's it. i want to help. because i'm pretty sure if i'm in a freaking war where the UN school is bombed and aid isn't allowed to get in (well, not enough of it anyway), i will be devastated to know that people know of my suffering but did nothing.

we raised more than 200euros in one night last night, in an event we held in Brookfield. may it be one of what little aid that manage to reach through to the Palestinians in Gaza. and today we sent clothes, an extra duvet and an extra pillow at the collection point in Parnell Place. they're going to be shipped to the UN base in Gaza, an amazing effort done by the Cork Bus Drivers' Association.

Hang in there, Gaza. Don't lose faith in the human race just yet. I'm still here.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

success in seeing through his lies

can you believe it?~ i held on to my principles and i kept my brain working and i built a huge wall around my heart, so when he came and said all those things to me i was completely immune and i asked him to stop lying and talk as normal (without us ending up in a fight, which is a miracle i must say).

...and tonight i found out that he was actually lying, it wasn't just me being paranoid or judgmental, which makes me feel like i'm made of so much win. YEAY.

i don't know how i end up knowing so many jerks...there isn't even a lot of guys left in my life anymore, i cut out a whole bunch of them a long time ago. mind boggling.

..and do you know about the whole gas-cut Ukraine is facing?~ be informed, people. the world is going through doomage and we're trapped inside it. impending disasters are aplenty. do something, or get swallowed waiting for a miracle.
sometimes i don't really make any sense but i want to talk anyway, hence this blog. sorry about the incoherent flow of thoughts that i throw on here. i'm renowned for my habit of suddenly switching to another random topic when talking to people because my brain isn't programmed quite right.

i haven't been able to sleep any earlier than 3am of late. i think i know why but i'm going to say i don't know why anyway because i'm in denial so whatever. it really is cold, i wonder how it's like for the people in Gaza. they must be freezing. at least i have a heater. well Atiqah, they don't even have a proper house and a proper room and they don't even have electricity sometimes...don't be a bimbo and worry about them not having a freakin' heating system okay. okay.

hace you donated money for Gaza yet? you HAVE to. you just freakin' HAVE to, okay. do it. now. NOW. here. click it. CLICK IT. thanks. love you. xoxo.



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

the GP visit

instead of examining on a patient with GI (gastrointestinal) problems as the medical school required the GP to teach us today, he took us around Coachford for house calls because it was a busy day for him, what with the winter carrying all sorts of notorious flu and vomiting bugs around.

this is a conversation that summed up what his car was like;

John : He has a dog.
Syazif : What?
Me : He has a dog.
Syazif : This car smells like a dog.
Me : It does.
John : And soon we will too.

hoho...sigh. such was my luck. my coat's full of his dog's white hair, and i think i stink but that might just be my imagination. to be fair though, the GP did apologize for the massive amount of dog hair on his back seats, and he's a very good teacher, so i guess i don't mind.

the families we visited were...amazing. well, they all have sick people in their houses and here i am sounding like a typical medical student who finds other people's sufferings fascinating. i do apologize...but i learned so much! we went to four houses in total, and they all had pretty much the same complaint but they're in very different's hard to explain...but i had a good day :]

and our (did i mention that he's good looking?) GP has mad driving skillz - i wondered for a while whether he is delusional and thinks he drives an ambulance...but as we get back to the surgery from doing the house calls, i can understand how he developed his insane driving habits - there were loads of sick people sitting in the surgery's lounge waiting for him by then.

such is how a doctor's life revolve around his patients' needs.

(masih busuk and sekarang nak masak dinner, LOL)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

it's so cold that i wore my coat the entire duration of my back-to-back Pharmacology lecture and i was so tempted to wear gloves but the hall was packed with people (second meds + second dents + second pharms) and cam segan plak nak pakai glove karang orang cakap over...haha. and the guy sitting beside me...omg. he's unbelievable. NEVER sitting beside that dentistry kid ever again. patutla slalu je die duduk tepi sekali and selalu takde orang duduk sbelah die. me being the nice person that i am (cewah padahal datang lambat pastu lecture hall dah penuh so takde choice dah) pergi la duduk seblah die...tanak la cite pasal die, tak baek. tapi tanak dah duk tepi die uwwaaa. serik.

motivasi untuk pergi awal ke kelas : supaya tidak perlu duduk disebelah Encik X. sape datang paling lambat kena duduk sebelah Encik X, padan muka. omg taknak please.

today's lowest temperature is -3 degrees.

you know on these freezing winter mornings when I walk down the stairs ready for class and I see the glass door white with frost, it always hit me like an epiphany every single time, that that was exactly the reason why it was so hard for me to crawl out from under the duvet earlier that morning.

kawan saya yang ini nama dia Al-Amin

(he has been asking for a post about him since AGES ago haha...cehh...ade ke patut mintak2, pukul karang.)

tengah-tengah malam ni nak tulis pasal Amin apehal, you might ask? well, pendek je pun...saje. sebab tibe2 terfikir yang without amazing friends like him, who's absolutely determined in being a steady figure in my life, ill probably be left without any long-standing friends at all.

i suck at keeping in touch. i just am, and there is no cure for it. friends like Amin and Nisa and Nana...they're still in touch with me because they insist on it. i adore their loyalty to the friendships they make.

in the past few weeks...i think Amin must've sent me like four or five texts, and i didn't reply to any of them. i was either the middle of something and then forgot to reply or 2.just being plain old Atiqah yang sumpah malas gile kot nak tulis msg.

and then he called a few times, ade sekali Atiq tak angkat, ade sekali Atiq tengah kat kaunter Lidl tengah nak bayar so i hung up in a hurry. mase tu dah start rase besalah sebab Amin said he'll call later-later lah sebab die dah nak gi main bola anyway; which made me think that he didn't even expect me to pick up in the first place. so i called him later in the day and we did a little bit of catching up...

even though Kakak thinks i would end up with Amin and even though Amin thinks i still like him (EH PERASAN BETOL MALAS NAK LAYAN) and even though Ain thought it was a miracle when Amin bought me a 1ringgit worth of guavas back when we were in KMB, i'm pretty sure we'll never be anything more than friends. but he'll always be in my life, because he insists on it and because with that kind of face he can ask for anything in the world :] (OMG ATIQAH PUJI AMIN???)

Monday, January 5, 2009

in which Pathology started without slides

i went to my first ever Pathology class this afternoon, and it was in Cork University Hospital (CUH). and so i walked past the most delightful scent of medications and disinfectants on my way to the lecture hall...haha. i (finally) brought myself to samak the darling coat, and it went all wrong and such, so it is now in a shop in town, sent for dry cleaning. hmm. nak buat camane.

everyone was a cheerful 'HOW WAS YOUR WINTER BREAK WOOO YEAYYY' in class, but i know it won't be for long, coz the Renal exam will be coming around soon enough. and John cut his hair OMG. Epic. and Sheila studied Renal during the break! (why am i even surprised...)

and TWO girls who didn't wear the hijab (otherwise known as free-hair girls..LOL) wore it to class, and ONE girl who usually wear it turned up to class not wearing it. talk about significant things going on during the break, huh?

among the things the lecturer taught us today was the fact that when necrosis happens to our brain tissue, a form of liquid will fill its space, but when necrosis happens to our heart tissue, fibrosis will ensue, leading to the formation of a scar. somehow i find it poetic that when (part of) our brain dies, we end up with empty spaces but when (part of) our heart dies, we heal and we end up with scars.

in other news

i got it a few days back actually, but i had to wait till i get my laptop back to put this picture up (this cannot be counted as vanity because the picture is SO buruk OMG tapi malas nak ambek gambar laen). ...thank you :] i absolutely adore it and it keeps me warm and i'm going to wear it forever and ever and everrrr :]

Goodnight people.

(i iz not vain cop twit cop!)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

amazing day

this day's pretty eventful. but my laptop's at the kedai...-long story. i'm now on aza's laptop, will get mine back this monday hopefully. will blog more by then. just wanna tell you on why i'm going to lose weight this year -

new 2009 bus flatrate - Euro1.60

YES. without fail. 3kgs at least. i walked for an hour this afternoon; town-home-my senior's house.


Friday, January 2, 2009


i'm in a state of hyper-blogging, did you notice?

will be learning completely new subjects in the new semester; Pathology and Pharmacology. NO MORE BIOCHEMISTRY, YO.

i'm excited :]

going to sleep now

OMG Atiqah PLEASE wake up in time for Subuh k!

OMG i'm still not done cleaning up my room


Thursday, January 1, 2009

getting back into character


i'm (only just beginning to) cleaning up the room. there's SO much laundry to do, but there's no way they can dry quick enough in this wheather to give room to the next load by the time they're done in the washing machine. i need to go to a laundrette for a dryer, but the one nearby closed down a few months back, sigh. i've grey's anatomy's playlist playing now while i (only just beginning to) clean up because i got tired of my imeem playlist. gotta find myself some fresh new interesting nasyeeds to put on there.

kak Amy came to pick up her stuff earlier on and pinched me saying 'Atiiqq hatar msg oyak ko kakak Atiq pasa Kak Amy kecek kelate daley msg ekk...Firdaus oyak!' sheessshhh sis, don't la tell on me!

and i met this Malay girl who's here for the Worlds Debate in UCC. people came from all over the world! i'm gonna go see the rest of the Malaysian contingent tomorrow insyaAllah. there are people from UIA, MMU, UiTM, UNITEN..i think there are more, tapi tak ingat. and i met the pasangan adorable Fahmi and Kak Rose in town, and when i told them of the event, Fahmi went all 'fuiyoo...buat kat Coorkk..' cisss berani die memandang rendah pada Cork Korok ku yang tersayang, mentang2 grad from Manchester.


Amin, sorry tak reply msg. malas la nak type, hahak. Tiq tak jadi gi Cardiff, was going to buy them tickets tapi dah mahal plak.



p.s. ohh...err...Happy 2009?

Chapter 2 : In which the Scottish Accent is a different language altogether

there were a lot of funny incidences as I lived my days in Scotland. one was of which we were dining out at this place called 'Pasta Hut' which probably is a subsidiary (is that the right term for it? my Business Studies days have long gone) for Pizza Hut because it had the same symbol. I'm pretty sure it's not just a rempit ripoff (such as YFC, or something) because the place was class. what happened there was we got this Scottish waiter serving us and we had NO idea what he was going on about! haha. OMG the Scottish accent is even more mind boggling than the Cork accent! i think he hated us because we kept laughing our heads off everytime he says something, but we didn't mean to laugh at him, we were laughing to the fact that we didn't know what to say in reply (which, now that i think of it, is just about as mean).

and then there was this once when we were walking around Edinburgh and suddenly there's this random group of people saying 'Assalamualaikum' to us. It would've sounded normal (because we get that from Muslims from other nationalities say that as well, and Muslims are everywhere) but they were saying it in the Malay tone, you know, like the gatal tone rempits in KB use when they're trying to get your attention. Yeah that one. haha. they were this bunch of guys and a couple of girls who apparently studies in the University of Edinburgh. i said hi to the girls, and i didn't know what vibe i sent to the guys, or what faces i accidentally made, which made one of the guys said to one of the girls 'tanyela die, die sesat ke' (because i was holding a map) he kenot ask me himself la kan. it's kind of amusing to think that i might have came off as a shy girl or an alim girl to the guy. kwang3. SCORE.

(and then i asked her where Edinburgh Castle was, because i was in fact kinda lost, and then she pointed straight in front. i later found out that it's actually a one minute walk from the place i was standing at, looking confused. haha. FAIL.)

Edinburgh was GORGEOUS. i loved it. the city held so much character! we met these chinese Malaysians at the youth hostel we were staying in, which was completely random. we (my friends and I, and the group of chinese) were pretty much the only ones using the kitchen in the morning, and there they were eating fried egg, broccoli and bacon, and there we were, eating...Maggi. LOL.

And then we climbed up this thing;

that looked like it could fall down any moment, and took pictures from up there. GAYAT okay! and we took pictures from above; pendet would've loved that place. the structure was built so that we can get a 360degree view of Edinburgh :] here be some humble example from my too humble a camera;

till then :]
